Adam posted that from his gmail account. Doesn't seem that he was acting in any 
official capacity for his company there (also no sig indicating that he's an 
Adobe employee).

Yeah, I understand that there are some politics in play, but regardless of the 
position we hold, or the company for whom we work, I think people should 
generally be allowed to express their opinions outside of that, without fear of 
Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. 
And I wish you my kind of success.
On Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Judah McAuley wrote: 
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Brian Kotek <> wrote:
> > 
> > That's one way to look at it. But the much more likely view (and the one
> > Adobe sees) is that the people who think he's guilty of "bad behavior" are
> > not only a tiny minority, but are also wrong.
> Perhaps I have a misunderstanding of the Adobe corporate culture, but
> if I was acting in an official capacity for my company and called one
> of our customers a dick on a public mailing list, I'm pretty sure that
> my boss would consider that bad behavior.
> Judah

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