Hi Al,

If Verizon is blocking delivery from Smartermail outside their own network, 
there is nothing you can do.  Port 25 is the only port for email to be 
on.  Verizon has violated their terms of service by denying you use of your 
connection.  This is the classic definition of an outage.

And you can't use a gateway server as that will be delivered on port 25 as well.


On 5/9/2011 7:06 PM, Al Musella, DPM wrote:
> I can use any port except for 25 right now.
>    Going from the coldfusion 7 server to the smartermail server
> (different boxes but within my local network) is no problem, so
> making a change in cf administrator won't help.
> The problem is a router between me and the rest of the internet that
> verizon controls and is blocking port 25 with.
> In smartermail, I don't see where the outgoing smtp port can be
> changed?  And if I did, how would it connect to all of the different
> domains on the internet? What port number could I use?
> I think the answer might lie in  using a gateway server.    I send
> about 10,000 emails a day from the 8 websites I run.. and all now go
> through my smartermail server.  All of the messages conform to the
> spam rules..all are medical related that people have asked for.
> So I am looking for a gateway server. I found a few but they are
> really expensive - anyone know a relatively cheap one?

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