  I have an urgent problem..

   I created a website for a fundraising event that is going on all 
month.. one function is to create fundraising teams, where people can 
create a team and upload a photo.
I wrote the code, tested it on the current version of chrome and 
firefox and it worked perfectly.

However, on version 3.6.13 of firefox and IE, when you submit the 
form, it returns a blank page and the team doesn't get created so the 
action page isn't running...

I set up a test page with the minimal required stuff:


Here is the contents of that page:

   <form action="testform2.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"  >
    <td>&nbsp;Upload Photo</td>
     <td>&nbsp;<input type="file" name="teamphoto" size="50"></td>
     <td colspan="2" align="center">&nbsp;
   <input type="submit" name="" value="Create Team!">

and here is testform2.cfm

     <cfset destination = "c:\temp">
    <cffile accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif" action="upload" 
destination="#destination#" filefield="teamphoto" 
nameConflict="makeunique" result="upload">

What am I doing wrong?

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