> There are things my code do not check however:
>  - a tornado hit my server;
>  - the end user has an attack of scarlet fever...

Need some code for that? :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schnéegans <schneeg...@internetique.com>
[mailto:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans <schneegans@interneti=71?=
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:24 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

 >>Do those 10 lines of code enable you to write different handlers
depending on the status code and success of the http call without any

Better than that : they open a new window to display the CF error dump in
case the called template caused an error.

 >>Do they translate common response formats into plain js objects for you?

If I need this, I have other functions to do it.
I also have a function to autamatically populate a dynamic <SELECT from a
template that will produce all <OPTION tags.
This one adds 15 lines to the code, including 7 lines to workaround a bug in

There are things my code do not check however:
- a tornado hit my server;
- the end user has an attack of scarlet fever...
- etc.

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