On Thu, 2011-12-15 at 20:16 -0500, Mike Chabot wrote:

> Sometimes switching to J2EE sessions fixes odd session issues. If you
> are able to do this it might fix the problem. J2EE sessions work
> well.

Pretty sure they already are - but I can double check....thanks

> Try doing a site-wide search for the cfapplication tag to make
> sure there is only one in each site. Sometimes there are multiple
> cfapplication tags in a site that people forget about.It could be a
> proxy server or firewall messing with things.

100% none of the above...but thanks

> Does only one person see this problem?

Nope...I can reproduce....it's a real bug ;-)

> If one person has the problem and someone else logs into that person's
> computer, does the other person have the problem?
> Have the person that sees the problem try a different computer or a
> different browser.
> -Mike Chabot

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