
To answer your question, it seems to be tied to a particular browser (IE 7
or 8) on a particular computer (ie IE 7, 8 work for most users).

Also, re: session variables, looking in CF Admin, it looks like we have "Use
J2EE Session Variables" as well as "Enable Application Variables" and
"Enable Session Variables".  I'm not sure what related measures we have in
the code other than settings in cfapplication, as follows:
<cfapplication name="#request.ApplicationName#"
    clientmanagement    = "Yes" 
    sessionmanagement   = "Yes" 
        setclientcookies        = "Yes" 
        sessiontimeout          = "#REQUEST.SessionTimeout#" 
        applicationtimeout      = "10" 
        clientStorage           = "#request.dsn#">

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