Let me re-phrase the issue:

I haven't stopped to examine what I routinely due with cfform - it's always 
been there and so I used it ("So to (finally) answer you Caleb - should you use 
it? Sure. If you find that they aid your development then why not? If you feel 
more comfortable writing your own JavaScript (just to pick on cfform/cfdiv 
specifically) then use that instead. Ditto for any other feature." 

My big issue (I think) is ColdFusion.AjaxSubmit. I've started using jQuery's 
ajax call in some instances but I'm struggling with how to submit a form and 
then work with a callback routine. I'm looking at 
http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ but it's not jumping out at me. Can someone 
suggest a site or book that gives some examples?

Of course, the other issue is all the pages that already have the CF code ...

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