On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Dave Watts <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote:

> >
> > I read this list every day but I've obviously missed something. What
> would I use if not cfform - the plain form tag?
> > It seems like this is saying "CF is nice and here's all it gives you,
> just don't use it."
> I thought it was kind of funny hearing that from Ray, who after all is
> Mr. Adobe, but he's right. What CF gives you is good if you don't know
> JavaScript, but it's somewhat limited. Overall, you're better off
> learning JS and using common JS libraries like ExtJS or jQuery.

To be clear, my views are my own, not necessarily those of Adobe. Hell, we
still support Flash Forms, but you won't find a soul alive who would
recommend that either. ;)

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