
These settings are in line with what I would expect and implement myself. I
don't have much to criticize here - but I will noodle with you :)

You have Simultaneous requests set to 50. Check your proc usage you might be
able to go a touch higher if you have 8 cores - say 64 or 72 ... but only if
they show as underutilized. Modern procs sometimes have a lot of unused
horsepower - but you would know that by watching, and every application is

You say your heap is 1088 but I don't see xms or xmx args in your server

That's all I got. All in all I'd say you might be doing about as well as
expected on a 32bit standard machine. 

Mark Kruger - CFG

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vernon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: What would you call high traffic for CF8 standard?

> I assume this is 32bit given the amount of RAM. If by 750 pages per
> second
> (bursts up to 1250-1500) you mean ColdFusion templates executing (and I
> assume you do) then you are getting quite a bit out of the server I'd
> say
> and making good use of your xeon 3.3's :)  Your options for tweaking
> are
> going to be fairly limited - perhaps some tuning with how GC operates
> or
> changes to the simultaneous request number - and of course caching
> (queries
> or structs or whatever you are using repetitiously).  But all in all
> that's
> pretty good for page executions per second. Note - page executions are
> not
> the same thing as http requests... 750 http requests could well be
> quite
> modest. Most http requests are NOT for cf pages but for css, images, js
> etc.
>   Also I would add that it is often the performance of the database
> that
> determines the capacity of the web server. It sounds like you are doing
> ok
> with that as well.
> Mark Kruger - CFG


Yes, it's 32-bit and yes, that's 750 - 1500 CF pages per second. Typically a
request hits the following CF templates.

* application.cfc
* header.cfm
* mainpage.cfm
* footer.cfm

The page speed warning level is set to 5 seconds so I can see what's holding
things up quite easily. The job search is the thing that regularly triggers
the limit... However, it's not too bad given the amount of searches going on
and typically they complete in 5 seconds or slightly less. E.g.

processing template: <pathtosite>\www\jobsearch.cfm, completed in 5 seconds,
exceeding the 5 second warning limit

In terms of HTTP hits per second, then I'd have to double check but HTTP
hits per second will be much, much higher.

The DB is MSSQL Server, *all* queries are effectively prepared statements
and use CFQUERYPARAM everywhere. The sites make extensive use of
"CachedWithin" and most queries have execution times of 0 according to the
SQL profiler.

The server has the following Config settings:

Simultaneous Template requests: 50

JVM Heap Size : 1088MB
JVM arguments:

-server -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -Xmn256m 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC

Caching: 8200 templates (more than enough)
Trusted Cache is on
Save Class files is enabled

Max. Cached queries: 750


J2EE sessions are enabled and have a max. timeout of 30 minutes


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