On 26 March 2014 13:57, Dave Watts <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote:

> > CF should install locked down out of the box, there really should be no
> > need to follow a complex lockdown guide to make it secure.
> [...]
> If you really think Adobe is responsible for your server's security,
> and should be installed "locked down out of the box", you must have a
> different idea of what locked down means than I do.
> Adobe is responsible for vulnerabilities in the CF Administrator, but
> you are responsible for ensuring that the CF Administrator isn't
> exposed to untrusted networks. It's a web application, just like any
> other.

>From a system security perspective, the approach is generally the default
is *no access*, and then access has to be specifically granted.

Adobe has taken the opposite approach simply to make life easy, which has
proven to be a foolhardy decision. Repeatedly. For years.

You (and Adobe both) are labouring under some "perfect world" scenario in
which admins actually *do* know what they're doing by default. This simply
isn't true. Adobe need to accept reality and deal with it, rather than
going "well in the perfect world then [this]". But we actually no it's not
a perfect world, so why start the position from there?


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