
I user CFB / Eclipse for rmultiple clients all the time. You simply create
a new project (File --> New --> ColdFusion Project) for each site that you
are working on. In the navigator pane, you will see each project in a
separate folder. I then create a working set under the filter drop-down
(the little down arrow in the top right of the navigation pane) for each
project. When I select a working set, it hides all my other project folders.

For CFC insight, you simply need to create a CFC Variable Mapping in the
projects properties. Just right click on the project name and choose
properties. From there, click on the CFC Mappings link and create the
mapping. Once you have done so, you will get code insight for your CFC even
if it is instantiated with ColdSpring.

As for the preview button, I know I used to have it in CFB 2, but I don't
see it in CFB 3. However, I have not created a server profile and assigned
it to a project, that may make the difference. However, even when I had it
in CFB 2, I never used it because I typically use a front-end controller,
either a a full framework or a slimmed down one that I created, so the
preview button didn't do me any good when working on an event action page
since the page would error if not called through the controller. So I
always just keep a browser open and tab back and forth between the browser
and the editor.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone actually use CF Builder for multiple projects?
> Everything I've seen so far seems to assume I'm working for a company with
> one web site.  There's nothing I've found so far showing how to set it up
> for multiple web sites.
> I thought I'd done it right, but apparently not, because I can't preview
> any pages.  I've seen a video on the Adobe web site about using CF Builder
> for Dreamweaver users.    The guy just clicks a tab at the bottom of the
> screen called "Safari" and sees the page run right in the window.    I
> can't find that tab or any menu item or link where I can do the same thing.
> So after messing about with this damn thing for 4 hours now, I've got
> nowhere.    Can't preview a page.  Can't upload anything to the server.
> It's just an expensive text editor so far.
> I can't use code insight either because unless I've missed something, it
> doesnt insight into CFCs instantiated with Coldspring.
> Has anyone managed to make CFBuilder introspect CFCs instantiated with
> ColdSpring?
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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