I have to use Dreamweaver at two of my clients, I do not know the versions
offhand but both are before CC.  The syncing is pretty elementary but
honestly in all the years I have had to use the product it has not failed
to show me that files local v. remote are different.  If I want to see the
difference and compare them then I click the button which then loads up my
default tool(Beyond Compare) and then with that tool I can see the line
differences.  There are rare times that the sync thinks a difference exists
but none at all does, but I am not going to get upset with Dreamweaver over
that because quite frankly sometimes Beyond Compare even does that and we
are talking rare times.  DW is not all that bad of a tool but I guess it
boils down to what and how it is used.  I personally use it for no more
than a code editor and to push/get files off development servers, actually
kind of rare I used it for sync'n except when taking on support of
someone's old project.  I never have used any of the page browsing features
or really any of the design tools and lord knows what else is in there.

I use CFB2 at my office and not yet found time to put 3 on that machine.
 There are a number of minor things I just do not like and hopefully the
recent change takes care of.  Especially in regards to writing HTML, no
matter how much I try to tweak settings I find I often am typing more
elements out in CFB v. DW and that statement does actually apply to both CF
and HTML.

Admiral Aaron Rouse

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au>wrote:

> But I would even go as far as to say that DW file sync, is not feature rich
> and is very basic file sync at best. I doubt it could do line sync'ing in
> any way shape or form.
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
> Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

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