
Have an older application that's using  cfdocument to push a pdf to the 
user. Last time I checked the app, it was working great, but it's been 
awhile and since then the server has been upgraded to CF 10.

The pdf is basically a collection of business cards. A card consist of a 
pdfCARD.gif "card" background image with text layered on top.

So when it was working, the pdfCARD.gif was showing behind all the text 
properly and you ended up with a page that looked exactly like rows or 
business cards.

Since the upgrade, the image is still being called, but you only see 
JUST a few pixels of it to the right and bottom of the "cards".
It's like everything layered on top of the backgroup is opaque. Setting 
transparencty doesn't work, screwing with the z-index of everything 
doesn't work. Duh ... three hours later and I'm still scratching my head.

I'd like to be able to fix this instead of having to completely rewrite 
the app to use cfpdf (which eventually I will do, but I want to be able 
to bill for it and not have it counted as a "bug" fix!)!!!!


"Card" div with the background image is like:
    width: 136px;
    height: 170px;
    margin: 0;
    float: left;
    background: url("img/pdfCARD.gif") left top no-repeat;
    text-align: left; }

Using cfdocument is thus:
<cfdocument format="pdf" backgroundvisible="yes" fontembed="yes" >

One card is basically:
<div id="PDFCARD">
   <p id="cardTOP"><cfif makePDF.deal_type EQ "Initial Public 
   <div class="masterBOX prv8FONT">
       <p class="infoSPAN">#makePDF.cardNAME#&nbsp;</p>
       <p class="infoSPAN">#makePDF.cardMISC#&nbsp;</p>
       <p class="infoSPAN2">#makePDF.cardDESC#&nbsp;</p>
   <p class="prvINDUS">#makePDF.dsp_industry#</p>
   <p class="prvDATE"><cfif makePDF.pending EQ "pending">Pending<cfelse>
<cfif IsDefined("makePDF.cardMONTH") AND #makePDF.cardMONTH# NEQ 
<cfif IsDefined("makePDF.cardMONTH") AND #makePDF.cardMONTH# NEQ "0" and 
IsDefined("makePDF.cardDAY") AND #makePDF.cardDAY# NEQ 
"0">#makePDF.cardDAY#, </cfif>
<cfif IsDefined("makePDF.cardYEAR") AND #makePDF.cardYEAR# NEQ 

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