On 5/8/06, M@ Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
now if pricing is simply the only reason for changeing why not php or 1 of the many other free languages over .net?
you already said they are using windoze, so no use me saying cf on linux may be cheaper then .net on windoze :S
When you consider a lot of Windows Sys Admins are MCSE's configuring PHP, MySQL, Ruby, Python or even Java isn't exactly going to be high on their skill set. To be a windows admin you would defiantly need to know how to set up IIS. Running .net is not much more than that (compared to some other environments). Even if Linux BSD or Solaris (10) are cheaper than Windows, if you want the support you have to pay a license fee as well. How do you think Red Hat and SuSE make most of their money?
The point I'm trying to make is, if the company has already made a sizable infrastructure investment based on Windows (including staff) then switching to Linux or even PHP can be quiet expensive. Retraining and time lost reconfiguring and testing server environments can quiet quickly cost a company a lot of money.
I have worked for a company that was a Microsoft Certified Partner and the piles of software that were shipped in at low prices was amazing. I am a part of partnership that is a Microsoft Partner and for a small fee (much less than a CF Standard license) we can become a Microsoft Empower partner and receive licenses for server software to set up everything we need to have a complete MS environment plus dev tools.
There is always a good argument for the *NIX options but the current situation of the company in question has to be addressed.
My 2c

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