On Jan 20, 2008 2:12 AM, Raymond Camden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<stuff about blogging>

Heya peeps,

I've only just signed up to CFAUSSIE again after a while away - so hi
again guys!

Seeing as this thread is about blogs I thought I'd mention a couple of

There's a Google Group specifically for ColdFusion bloggers:

There's also a new forum that has been set up specifically for
Australian bloggers. It has a very, very general focus - most of the
people on there are not technical people at all - but there are topics
covering a lot of the basics, and current issues around spam
management, promotion, finding and keeping traffic, etc:
Again, they're NOT geeks over there, but they are passionate about
blogging and very helpful.

With the WordPress vs anything topic, like others have said there's no
magic thing that WordPress does that gets posts into Google quicker. I
am a huge fan of WordPress (all my blogs run off it, and many of my
client sites are powered or partially powered by WordPress) but any
blog engine can get results if it formats things in a search engine
friendly manner.

Google Sitemaps are designed for exposing content that is not
crawlable by Google. Your blog posts should NOT fall into that
category, so Google Sitemaps are unnecessary for blogs (and a bit
dangerous, because if you have one and something goes wrong with it,
or you don't monitor it or whatever, it can damage your Google
rankings). I have used sitemaps on sites that have useful content
hidden in Flex and Flash apps. The sitemap links to a html version of
that content, but every link on that HTML page points real visitors
back to the Flex or Flash version. That's what they're designed for.
Having a Google sitemap guarantees the links in it get crawled - it
does NOT guarantee they get indexed.

To get your posts picked up quickly by search engines, you should use
ping services. I don't know what services Blog CFC pings by default
but I ping about 60 on each of my WordPress blogs. I've just realised
my list is quite old so I'll be updating it soon.

Having good semantic HTML structure is also helpful - and making sure
your posts titles are well formatted (title first, not your blog name)
is important. Search engine friendly url structure also matter -
keywords in urls instead of id numbers or worse still, UUIDs. I use
the following format (the index.php is unfortunate, but a side-effect
of running php on iis on the same account as CF):

As for WordPress plugins, there are thousands, but I use the following:
add meta tags - to allow me to add custom or automated unique meta
descriptions to posts (good for seo)
akismet - awesome spam protection
code markup - for posting source code with formatting
comment timeout - to automatically close comments on posts after a
certain period of time (this cut down almost ALL the blog spam that
got through Askismet)
email immunizer - encodes email addresses to protect mailto links from
spam harvesters
maintenance mode - shows a custom splash screen during site maintenance
optimal title - for title element formatting (for seo)
related posts - automatically generates a list of related posts based
on keywords in the article
subscribe to comments - allow people to get an email when new comments
come in on a post they're following
rss footer - puts the full link back to your blog post in the rss feed
so if it gets scraped or used elsewhere you still benefit
database backup - emails me a mysql db backup at specified intervals
wp-polls - like it says, polls
theme test drive - lets you try out new themes that are only applied
for the logged in admin user

Like Scott said, it would be great to see more CFAussie peeps
contributing to the blog mass!


Kay Smoljak
business: www.cleverstarfish.com
standards: kay.zombiecoder.com
coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
personal: goatlady.wordpress.com

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