Hi everyone,

Thanks for the responses.

@MrBuzzy: I feared this was the problem.

@Charlie: No, the web service is not on the same machine. I'm pretty
sure it's not written in CF either. It's from a 3rd party. It is a
core part of the website (used by many users) however I still don't
want it to bring the website down. Especially because even when the
web service is back up the website is still hung (it doesn't recover).
We setup Fusion Reactor once before but it chewed up so much disk
space logging everything that we had to kill it (the problem is so
intermitent that we need to leave Fusion Reactor running all the time
until a hang occurs however the logs expand too quickly). Sometimes we
get the "AxisFault: Read Timeout" message but this is fine because it
doesn't crash the server. I think this happens when the 3rd party
provided correctly disables there web service, where as when the hand
occurs I think it's some other part of there system which has crashed
i.e. perhaps their web service system is up but the underlying
business servers are down and they don't have timeouts in place (or
perhaps there timeout is longer than my 60s). By the way: it wouldn't
be possible to cache the results because the data is different each
time. Each user requests different data.

It sounds like there is no easy solution to this because CF simply
won't timeout correctly - bummer.

Perhaps I could write a Java class which does the liasing with this
3rd party web service however I guess this would still have the same
problem because the Java class would be called by CF so the request
not timing out issue would still happen anyway?


On Jan 7, 8:15 am, "charlie arehart" <charlie_li...@carehart.org>
> Zac, your idea is interesting, but the short timeout would not be helpful.
> The lock timeout only says how long a contending lock request would be
> willing to wait. In the case Matthew describes, if he was going to use a
> lock to prevent concurrent execution of the code, he'd really want a very
> long lock, to preclude other requests trying to execute it.
> But it really wouldn't be the solution to the problem, as now the request
> threads would tie up with people waiting on the lock. :-)
> No, what's really needed is to stop the long-running pages (the web service
> being called, assuming as I asserted in the last note that these are running
> on the same server that's calling them.)  That's down to determining what
> they're doing that's taking so long.
> And while I wanted to say this in reply to Matthew's other thread, I don't
> want you guys seeing 4 messages from me popping up, so I'll say it here:
> Matthew, it would seem one solution for you (assuming you can't control how
> long the called web service takes to run) would be to cache the web service
> result so that you don't call it so often. There's no built-in support for
> caching web service calls (like we have with CFQUERY), but it's easy enough
> to save it into a shared scope (session, application, or server, depending
> on the nature of the data being returned and how you use it), and write some
> code that watches for when to refresh or purge the cached result. Not
> trivial, but perhaps the idea is enough to get you started.
> If not, let us know other challenges that preclude it.
> /charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Zac Spitzer
> Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:27 AM
> To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Timeout not working on CFINVOKE?
> there's nothing funky that could be doe here using cfthread?
> try putting an exclusive lock around it with a short timeout ie 4s will stop
> other connections also getting stuck.. all depends on the app and scale...
> but if it keeps the app up...
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:36 PM, MrBuzzy <mrbu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Oh this old chestnut :)
> > What you are doing is correct, but the timeout can not be enforced by
> > ColdFusion until AFTER the external net connection has completed.
> > I realise I'm not describing it very well. Basically it's an inherrent
> > problem with the java class that handles http connections. ColdFusion can
> > not respond until the network connection 'gives back'.
> > It can also occur with CFHTTP and others.
> > If your service is genuninely 'hung' and gives nothing back, that
> connection
> > will remain open for a long time. Not even FusionReactor can kill it :)
> > (I'm guessing the 60 second time out you are experiencing is on the web
> > service itself).
> > On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Matthew <matthewbchamb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi all
> >> I'm using CFINVOKE to make a web service call and I've added the
> >> timeout attribute but it's not timing out. I've set it to 5 secounds
> >> and wrapped the block in a CFTIMER tag (to confirm the duration) but
> >> it's still hanging on for 60 seconds (I'm guessing the 60s is the
> >> default timeout setting in CF). I need to override the default timeout
> >> for this specific web service call only. Any ideas?
> >> <cftimer label="Web service call" type="inline">
> >>  <cfinvoke webservice="#WSDL#" method="doSearch"
> >> returnvariable="SearchResult" timeout="5">
> >>    <cfinvokeargument name="in0" value="foo" />
> >>  </cfinvoke>
> >> </cftimer>
> >> Cheers
> >> Matthew
> --
> Zac Spitzer -http://zacster.blogspot.com
> +61 405 847 168
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