Well, there's one last thing I suggested which you didn't confirm checking:
"then search all application.cfcs for this.timeout". Worth asking in case
you missed it.

Beyond that, I'll ask again: the timeout on the cfloop suggests that
something possibly prior to that was what ran long, and it was the CFLOOP
tag that next ran and CF said, "oh goodness, we've run long". It might be
interesting if you could be watching the request while it runs doing a stack
trace either from the CF Server Monitor or a tool like FusionReactor, to see
what it's "waiting" for prior to that 5 minute timeout. 

I realize that's not solving your real problem, "why is it timing out at 5
minutes", but you refer to rewriting the report, as if to suggest that
somehow that will change things. In that case, it just seems it may be
useful for you to know why it is waiting when it's running long. I haven't
done a blog entry on taking stack traces, but I have done a talk about it,
at http://www.carehart.org/presentations/#stack (which offers both notes and
a recording). 

Hope that helps.




From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Gavin Beau Baumanis
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 9:10 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] The request has exceeded the allowable time limit


HI Charlie,


Thanks for the reply, here and on your blog.


I have performed a search, there is not a single instance of cfsetting tag
with respect to timeout.

(In some cases we have showdebugoutput used in the code.)


We only have a single instance of CF on our staging server and the request
timeout is most certainly set to 1000 seconds (16 minutes)

The page most certainly timeouts after only 5 minutes.


There are no timeout settings that can be made within the DB server

We do not use the timeout attribute in any cfquery tags.

This particular process does not use ORM / ColdSpring etc. - it is cfml/html
only for running a report.


Looks like we will rewrite the report from the ground-up and see how we go.

If it works (the new one) - we can then do a comparison between the two and
hopefully nut-out what is wrong with the original.


Thanks to all.


Gavin "Beau" Baumanis


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