A/B Testing with Squabble

by Mark Mandel

You have two designs, one with a blue button, and one with a red
button, and you think that both designs could work on your a feature
of your application. The problem is, how do you know which one is
actually better? Which design is going to convert more users into
giving you their hard earned dollars through your application?

The fact of the matter is, you don't actually know. You can only make
a guestimate based on your experience as a web application developer,
and hope for the best.  Unfortunately, real users can be a fickle
bunch that do unpredictable things, and it can be very hard to track
what the overall effect of all these changes to a site can make.

Squabble is a server side A/B testing framework for ColdFusion that
allows you to test multiple variations of site design and/or
functionality against your real users, in real time, and quantify the
results into statistics that can actually prove which combination of
variations results in your application getting more of the conversions
that you require. This gives you amazing freedom in being able to try
out new things on established sites, as you are able to track what
changes actually effect the behaviour of your real users, and then
continually improve upon them.

Mark Mandel is a full time consultant and lead developer on several
open source projects, most notably ColdSpring, JavaLoader, Transfer
ORM and ColdDoc and has been has been working with ColdFusion for a
number of years, including at his very own dot com back in the late

Mark can often be found blogging at www.compoundtheory.com, which has
housed his thoughts on ColdFusion, Java and various aspects of
software development for several years.  He can also be found as a
regular poster on ColdFusion mailing lists, causing havoc in the
#coldfusion channel on Dalnet irc network and podcasting on www.2ddu.com.

When he's not too busy writing open source software and consulting he
enjoys spending his extra time training martial arts in a wide variety
of disciplines and reading way too much fantasy literature.

Date: Thursday 22 March 2012
Time: 6:30 PM
Level 2
255 Bourke Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3000

A note on the door will provide a number to ring for access.
RSVP: Please reply to this post if you are planning to attend so we
know how many pizzas to order.

As always, many thanks to Dale Fraser and CogState for their
hospitality. We look forward to seeing you all there

Peter Robertson

Melbourne Adobe Developers

Steve Onnis

Melbourne Adobe Developers

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