On 1/31/06, Jason Daiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is true but I didn't think MG can pull in pieces the way FB4.1 can as
> I'm describing. I thought I really only had 1 mapping option for both the
> BeanMappings and ViewMappings versus the multiple FB4.1 allows.

You can specify comma-separated lists for both of those.

> The added mapping gave me a way to encapsulate something that
> changes often, yet minimize the file coping issue.  I'm still 'green' in the
> MG world but I couldn't find a way to do this the last time I looked.

Sounds like you'd want to use a bean (for the text / config) and a
simple controller that injects the data into the viewState (in
Model-Glue), listening for the onQueueComplete method.
Sean A Corfield -- http://corfield.org/
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