On 1/30/06, Jason Daiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Speaking from experience going from FB3 to FB4 is a much easier
> transition than from FB3 to MG.

I think that depends on your background. I found the jump from FB3 to
FB4 much bigger than many others apparently found it.

> One pro I found w/ FB4.1 vs MG at this
> time is the ability to place all circuits, including controller, model
> (CFC's) & view, in a shared area.

Since the CFCs for MG can be placed anywhere, as can the views, this
is already true for MG as far as I can tell. The only thing that needs
to be in the webroot, for example, is the index.cfm entry point - all
other files can be in a shared area outside of webroot (this is true
for FB41, M2 and MG).
Sean A Corfield -- http://corfield.org/
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