Wouldn't you also need to factor in the amount of code needed to manage the values as well as to select them?
On ours to get the values we do something like App.stcLookups.Pick_Category which is a query that contains unique ID's, the display values, and is ordered by the sort ordering column in the table.  The lookup structure is initiated when the application is then if someone makes a change to any values it is updated in there as well. Then to manage the values we just have one maintenance file that is fed into our system to build the table grid for searching on them as well as the CRUD forms for them.  When we have a separate lookup table setup then we end up having to have separate maintenace files.  Not that it is a big deal to have those separate files, but it is a little bit more coding.  Actually it more "copy-n-pasting" into new files than more coding and probably just a design flaw in our system.

On 2/9/06, Patrick McElhaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's the difference between this...

SELECT * FROM Control WHERE LookupType= #foo#

and this?


If you're just trying to write less code, it looks to me like multiple
tables is the way to go. ;-)


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