the File object should have an array of document ID's. Your FileDAO
would create the associations during a save (create/update). You can
split that out into separate functions if you wish, but they should be
private and only called from within the DAO.



>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/13/06 2:11 PM >>>
So, I have a document section on an intranet (documents & forms). For
form you upload X number of files (client specifications). I am working
my first OOP project and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. A little advice
here would be appreciated.

I have a Document object (gateway, BO, DAO, Bean) and I have File
(gateway, DAO, Bean). 

The sytem is being built so that one file could potentially be linked to
more than one document. This is modeled in the join table:

File_item_jn (id, file_id, foreign_table, foreign_key). 

Right now, my FileDAO has the standard CRUD operations that act on the
bean, but I have also thrown in a few methods for Assocations:

CreateAssociation(FileBean, ForeignTable, foreignKey)
DeleteAssociation(FileBean, ForeignTable, foreignKey)
DeleteAssociations(ForeignTable, foreignKey)

Is this a bad idea? I feel like these are File-Data-related items, but
new, and not sure if DAO should have anything outside the CRUD methods?

Not sure how I feel about this, any advice, suggestions would be super
Ben Nadel 
Web Developer
Nylon Technology
6 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011
212.691.3477 fax
Programming is my "money" job. My real passion is eating.

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