>Actually, I don't use beans at all in CF (with the rare 
>exception of some web services that have interop requirements), 
>so I don't use bean getters and setters - no flame war for you 
>queries, even if they're a single row representing a single 
>:-P ;-)!  Most of our objects return data entity.
>The query dot-notation is wonderfully elegant, and the native 
>manipulation operations that CF provides are too much to pass up.
>Beans add a layer of complexity and overhead in our instance 
>that just isn't warranted.  And honestly, in most cases, I 
>think beans are overkill.  There *are* many problems that 
>beans can solve fairly elegantly, but just like  everything
>else, they should be implemented to solve a problem, not 
>just because they're en vogue.

I was thinking more specifically about the section entitled "Draw
thyself", where he argues that it's better (going back to our example of
Product.getValue() -> 3000 vs "$3,000.00") to have a
Product.renderValueAmount() call that either a) returns the string
"$3,000.00" (or else b) returns a component instance capable of
rendering this value) rather than doing the more usual:

<cfset amount = Product.getValue()>

because if Product.getValue() ever changes to return anything other than
a number, then boy are you going to have fun tracking down all the calls
made to that function and wrapping/hacking the subsequent ops made on
that value.

There. That should get me my flame war ;)


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