Well, I had it working find in IE until I started messing with the
code in the next() function of the IBO.


On 4/13/07, Peter Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Aaron,

No point even getting into this while you still have a display issue with
the code you're displaying. Start by pulling all display code out like
yesterday when you had it working. Then add one element at a time and test.
Identify problem in display code and fix that. Then you should be able to
test and debug the code below fairly quickly.

Best Wishes,

On 4/13/07 4:56 PM, "Aaron Roberson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter,
> What I would like to do is loop through a few records but not the
> entire table. Here are my musings on it as I have been trying to get
> something to work.
> What I am attempting to do is set an optional parameter in the next()
> method of the IBO that will accept a numeric value. Then, I var a
> variable in the next() method called LimitedRecords. Next I do a check
> to see if the argument was passed in and if so I set LimitedRecords to
> that number, otherwise I set it to variables.NumberofRecords.
> Take a look at this code with my next() function:
> <cfargument name="limit" type="numeric" required="false" hint="number
> of records to return">
> <cfscript>
> var ReturnValue = "";
> var LimitedRecords = "";
> if(structKeyExists(arguments, "limit") AND len(arguments.limit)){
> LimitedRecords = arguments.limit;
> }else{
> LimitedRecords = variables.NumberofRecords;
> }
> If (variables.IteratorRecord GTE LimitedRecords)
> {
> ReturnValue = False;
> variables.IteratorRecord = LimitedRecords;
> }
> Else
> {
> ReturnValue = True;
> variables.IteratorRecord = LimitedRecords + 1;
> };
> </cfscript>
> <cfreturn ReturnValue>
> For some reason it does not seem to work. However, I can't really say
> if it is working or not because both FF and IE freeze on me when I run
> it (the problem I have been having with my implementation of the IBO
> has now spread to IE as well).
> Thanks,
> Aaron
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