
I think your suggestion is a very good and practical one. Because I
don't know how we could achieve method overloading directly within CF
itself since by nature it is dynamic (though Sammy had some good
ideas), I think your suggestion is the next best thing. Now I just
have to decide if I want all of the methods in my service layer of if
I should put saveStruct() and saveObject() in my DAO whilst the
generic save() method alone is in my service like so:

<cffunction name="save" output="no" etc>
  <cfargument name="theThing" type="any" required="yes">
  <cfargument name="theBits" type="any" required="no">
  <cfargument name="theOhterBits" type="any" required="no">

  <cfif isStruct(arguments.theThing)>
     <cfreturn objectDAO.saveStruct(arguments.theThing)>
  <cfelseif isObject(arguments.theThing)>
     <!--- check arrayLen(arguments) etc --->
     <cfreturn objectDAO.saveObject(arguments.theThing)>


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