If the structure of your configuration information doesn¹t change, no need
for the bean. In my experience, things change. Having a bean allows you to
encapsulate certain classes of change (not all, but some) without breaking
your API/contract with the rest of the app.

Also I find the bean allows me to add optional automagic. So if for a given
project you don¹t set a DSN it assumes it to be the application name (for
instance), if you don¹t set whether the system uses forward or back slashes,
you can write a script in the bean to determine that at runtime. You don¹t
care when you call configuration information whether it was calculated or
set ­ only that it is available. I find the encapsulation of a bean to be a
really nice way to allow me to change how I configure an app without
necessarily having to change how the app accesses that config info.

Best Wishes,

On 6/7/07 5:06 PM, "Jeff Chastain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any reasoning / logic behind having your configuration information
> stored in a bean vs. some other method?  I have seen some applications design
> using a collection of configuration beans and other applications designed
> using an xml file that is just read and parsed into a Œconfig¹ structure.   If
> your configuration information is not really changing (maybe this is a bad
> assumption), is there any reason for having the extra overhead of the beans
> and their instantiation instead of just a static structure of key = value
> pairs?
> Thanks
> -- Jeff
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Bell
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:44 PM
> To: cfcdev@cfczone.org
> Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] Application.cfc: where to set DSN
> +1. Only thing I put into application.cfc (in terms of a config property) is
> application.name which I need to include the framework that calls the
> application specific config bean that contains all of the other app specific
> config info. Encapsulating it in a config bean gives you a bunch more
> flexibility to change how it is created or stored without breaking the API you
> expose to the rest of your app.
> Best Wishes,
> Peter 
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