On 6/8/07, Joe Lakey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The post about user-dependent DSNs was from someone responding to my
original question. My app uses only one DSN.

Sorry about that, got lost in the shuffle! :-)

To use a Config CFC, would I hard-code the settings variables in the
Config CFC file, instantiate it in application scope in
onApplicationStart(), then call application.config.getDSN() (for
example)? What would be the benefit of this approach over including a
settings file in onApplicationStart() and/or onRequest()?

No, I wouldn't even instantiate the Config CFC into the application scope.
I would instantiate and pass it into the other CFCs that need it, and those
CFCs would themselves be stored in the application scope. Thus, becuase
(what I am going to call) your Service CFCs are stored in the application
scope, and because they are holding a reference to the Config CFC as an
internal instance variable,  you don't actually need to put the Config CFC
into the application scope yourself. Hopefully that makes sense.

I definitely wouldn't want to call application.config.getDSN(). Nothing
should know that it is in the application scope. In fact, as a rule your
CFCs should be totally ignorant of anything outside of themselves (a session
facade CFC is a notable exception but that's another topic).

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