On 8/29/07, Brent Nicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  OO's fine if you:  have a lot of expertise in it and write applications you
> host

Not sure what hosting has to do with it.

>  OO's fine if you:  will need to use common objects (get from db, store in
> db, look up customer, get site details)

Isn't this true of all apps?

>  OO's not fine if you:  have a big project that needs to be on time, bug
> free and you don't have much experience in it

Agree with you on the last point. Absent the last point however, big
projects tend to be more bug-free in OO (in my experience), which
leads to better quality software and easier-to-reach deadlines. If
you're experienced in OO and avail yourself of the tools available, it
doesn't take any more time to write OO applications than non-OO
applications. Once you get into maintenance and changes is where
you'll be kicking yourself if you don't have a well-architected OO

>  OO's not fine if you:  are building small custom internal applications

This is a pretty ridiculous generalization in my opinion. Small custom
internal applications tend to be the ones that grow into large custom
internal applications. If you start with a bad foundation you'll again
be kicking yourself as people want features added to it. Development
is not a race to the finish line. Development is about building
maintainable applications that don't have to be thrown out when people
want changes made to them.

>  I guess I've always been up against the fact that I'm the only developer
> here and have to show results and no excuses. So I've been shy on the CF OO
> thing because it seemed like such a monumental effort, maybe that's where
> these guys are comming from.. "high pressure, high stress, I don't have
> time"..

If you're in an environment where your boss doesn't give you the time
and doesn't encourage you to keep improving your skills, not to
mention give you the freedom to do so, I'd say find another job. ;-)
Obviously deadlines are important, and as you go through the learning
curve associated with OO, you may need to do things how you already
know how to do them in order to hit a deadline. If that becomes a
constant excuse for why people don't learn new things, then I take
issue with that.

The world of development is OO. CF developers need to realize this and
get on board. After all, 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong. ;-)
Matt Woodward

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