alexfh added inline comments.

Comment at: 
-// RUN: %check_clang_tidy -std=c++98 %s modernize-use-nullptr %t -- -- 
njames93 wrote:
> alexfh wrote:
> > gribozavr2 wrote:
> > > njames93 wrote:
> > > > alexfh wrote:
> > > > > IIRC, some of the modernize- checks were meant to be useful to make 
> > > > > the pre-C++11 code compile in C++11. This check is an example of this 
> > > > > (maybe the only one?). Limiting the check to C++11 and deleting this 
> > > > > test is a bit too radical.
> > > > I'm lost, this check is all about replacing assignment of pointer to 0 
> > > > with `nullptr` a keyword which doesn't exist pre c++11, so this test 
> > > > case will just result in invalid code. Or am I missing the point?
> > > The idea, if I understand correctly, is that you start with C++98 code, 
> > > apply modernize-* checks, and get C++11 code.
> > Yep, at least for this particular check there are cases, which won't 
> > compile in C++11, but will compile after its fixes are applied. Not sure if 
> > this was ever used like this though.
> My understanding of the modernize module was its designed to convert the old 
> c++98/03 code to use newer (safer) c++ constructs. Its purpose isn't to fix 
> compiler errors in c++11 mode that compile OK in c++98 mode
This and a number of other modernize- checks were migrated from the 
clang-modernize (previously cpp11-migrate) tool. It's hard to tell now, whether 
running on code in C++98 mode and fixing errors that would appear in C++11 
**was** a supported use case at the time (though all commits are in git and one 
could look up, if someone wants to). But that's irrelevant. We need to decide 
**now**, whether we want to support this use case or not.
I believe, fixing C++11 compatibility **errors** in valid C++98 code is a 
potentially useful feature. Given that it doesn't require additional 
maintenance costs, I think we should leave it as is. The only downside is 
complaints from users who blindly run _all_ the checks regardless of whether 
they need them or not. We could try to relieve this pain, but a better 
treatment here would be to use the tool correctly, i.e. carefully select the 
checks to enable. That seems to partly be a UX problem of the frontend they use 
(CLion in the recent bug report - Some UIs 
try to be more user-friendly w.r.t. configuration of the checks (e.g. I found 
this one today:

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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