njames93 updated this revision to Diff 255023.
njames93 added a comment.

- Extended support for boolean types

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/ClangTidyOptionsTest.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/ClangTidyOptionsTest.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/ClangTidyOptionsTest.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #include "ClangTidyOptions.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "ClangTidyCheck.h"
+#include "ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace tidy {
@@ -97,6 +99,172 @@
                        Options.ExtraArgsBefore->end(), ","));
+class TestCheck : public ClangTidyCheck {
+  TestCheck(ClangTidyContext *Context) : ClangTidyCheck("test", Context) {}
+  template <typename... Args> auto getLocal(Args &&... Arguments) {
+    return Options.get(std::forward<Args>(Arguments)...);
+  }
+  template <typename... Args> auto getGlobal(Args &&... Arguments) {
+    return Options.getLocalOrGlobal(std::forward<Args>(Arguments)...);
+  }
+  template <typename IntType = int, typename... Args>
+  auto getIntLocal(Args &&... Arguments) {
+    return Options.get<IntType>(std::forward<Args>(Arguments)...);
+  }
+  template <typename IntType = int, typename... Args>
+  auto getIntGlobal(Args &&... Arguments) {
+    return Options.getLocalOrGlobal<IntType>(std::forward<Args>(Arguments)...);
+  }
+#define CHECK_VAL(Value, Expected)                                             \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    auto Item = Value;                                                         \
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!!Item);                                                       \
+    EXPECT_EQ(*Item, Expected);                                                \
+  } while (false)
+#define CHECK_ERROR(Value, ErrorType, ExpectedMessage)                         \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    auto Item = Value;                                                         \
+    ASSERT_FALSE(Item);                                                        \
+    ASSERT_TRUE(Item.errorIsA<ErrorType>());                                   \
+    ASSERT_FALSE(llvm::handleErrors(                                           \
+        Item.takeError(), [&](const ErrorType &Err) -> llvm::Error {           \
+          EXPECT_EQ(Err.message(), ExpectedMessage);                           \
+          return llvm::Error::success();                                       \
+        }));                                                                   \
+  } while (false)
+TEST(CheckOptionsValidation, MissingOptions) {
+  ClangTidyOptions Options;
+  ClangTidyContext Context(std::make_unique<DefaultOptionsProvider>(
+      ClangTidyGlobalOptions(), Options));
+  TestCheck TestCheck(&Context);
+  CHECK_ERROR(TestCheck.getLocal("Opt"), MissingOptionError,
+              "option not found 'test.Opt'");
+  EXPECT_EQ(TestCheck.getLocal("Opt", "Unknown"), "Unknown");
+TEST(CheckOptionsValidation, ValidIntOptions) {
+  ClangTidyOptions Options;
+  auto &CheckOptions = Options.CheckOptions;
+  CheckOptions["test.IntExpected1"] = "1";
+  CheckOptions["test.IntExpected2"] = "1WithMore";
+  CheckOptions["test.IntExpected3"] = "NoInt";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalIntExpected1"] = "1";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalIntExpected2"] = "NoInt";
+  CheckOptions["test.DefaultedIntInvalid"] = "NoInt";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalIntInvalid"] = "NoInt";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolITrueValue"] = "1";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolIFalseValue"] = "0";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolTrueValue"] = "true";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolFalseValue"] = "false";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolUnparseable"] = "Nothing";
+  CheckOptions["test.BoolCaseMismatch"] = "True";
+  ClangTidyContext Context(std::make_unique<DefaultOptionsProvider>(
+      ClangTidyGlobalOptions(), Options));
+  TestCheck TestCheck(&Context);
+#define CHECK_ERROR_INT(Name, Expected)                                        \
+  CHECK_ERROR(Name, UnparseableIntegerOptionError, Expected)
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntLocal("IntExpected1"), 1);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntGlobal("GlobalIntExpected1"), 1);
+  CHECK_ERROR_INT(TestCheck.getIntLocal("IntExpected2"),
+                  "invalid configuration value '1WithMore' for option "
+                  "'test.IntExpected2'; expected an integer value");
+  CHECK_ERROR_INT(TestCheck.getIntLocal("IntExpected3"),
+                  "invalid configuration value 'NoInt' for option "
+                  "'test.IntExpected3'; expected an integer value");
+  CHECK_ERROR_INT(TestCheck.getIntGlobal("GlobalIntExpected2"),
+                  "invalid configuration value 'NoInt' for option "
+                  "'GlobalIntExpected2'; expected an integer value");
+  ASSERT_EQ(TestCheck.getIntLocal("DefaultedIntInvalid", 1), 1);
+  ASSERT_EQ(TestCheck.getIntGlobal("GlobalIntInvalid", 1), 1);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolITrueValue"), true);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolIFalseValue"), false);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolTrueValue"), true);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolFalseValue"), false);
+  CHECK_ERROR_INT(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolUnparseable"),
+                  "invalid configuration value 'Nothing' for option "
+                  "'test.BoolUnparseable'; expected a bool");
+  CHECK_ERROR_INT(TestCheck.getIntLocal<bool>("BoolCaseMismatch"),
+                  "invalid configuration value 'True' for option "
+                  "'test.BoolCaseMismatch'; expected a bool");
+TEST(ValidConfiguration, ValidEnumOptions) {
+  enum class Colours { Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet };
+  static constexpr std::pair<StringRef, Colours> Mapping[] = {
+      {"Red", Colours::Red},       {"Orange", Colours::Orange},
+      {"Yellow", Colours::Yellow}, {"Green", Colours::Green},
+      {"Blue", Colours::Blue},     {"Indigo", Colours::Indigo},
+      {"Violet", Colours::Violet}};
+  static const auto Map = makeArrayRef(Mapping);
+  ClangTidyOptions Options;
+  auto &CheckOptions = Options.CheckOptions;
+  CheckOptions["test.Valid"] = "Red";
+  CheckOptions["test.Invalid"] = "Scarlet";
+  CheckOptions["test.ValidWrongCase"] = "rED";
+  CheckOptions["test.NearMiss"] = "Oragne";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalValid"] = "Violet";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalInvalid"] = "Purple";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalValidWrongCase"] = "vIOLET";
+  CheckOptions["GlobalNearMiss"] = "Yelow";
+  ClangTidyContext Context(std::make_unique<DefaultOptionsProvider>(
+      ClangTidyGlobalOptions(), Options));
+  TestCheck TestCheck(&Context);
+#define CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(Name, Expected)                                       \
+  CHECK_ERROR(Name, UnparseableEnumOptionError, Expected)
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getLocal("Valid", Map), Colours::Red);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getGlobal("GlobalValid", Map), Colours::Violet);
+  CHECK_VAL(TestCheck.getLocal("ValidWrongCase", Map, /*IgnoreCase*/ true),
+            Colours::Red);
+      TestCheck.getGlobal("GlobalValidWrongCase", Map, /*IgnoreCase*/ true),
+      Colours::Violet);
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getLocal("Invalid", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value "
+                   "'Scarlet' for option 'test.Invalid'");
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getLocal("ValidWrongCase", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value 'rED' for option "
+                   "'test.ValidWrongCase'; did you mean 'Red'?");
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getLocal("NearMiss", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value 'Oragne' for option "
+                   "'test.NearMiss'; did you mean 'Orange'?");
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getGlobal("GlobalInvalid", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value "
+                   "'Purple' for option 'GlobalInvalid'");
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getGlobal("GlobalValidWrongCase", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value 'vIOLET' for option "
+                   "'GlobalValidWrongCase'; did you mean 'Violet'?");
+  CHECK_ERROR_ENUM(TestCheck.getGlobal("GlobalNearMiss", Map),
+                   "invalid configuration value 'Yelow' for option "
+                   "'GlobalNearMiss'; did you mean 'Yellow'?");
+#undef CHECK_VAL
 } // namespace test
 } // namespace tidy
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.h
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include <memory>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <vector>
@@ -25,6 +27,65 @@
 namespace tidy {
+template <typename T> class OptionError : public llvm::ErrorInfo<T> {
+  std::error_code convertToErrorCode() const override {
+    return llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode();
+  }
+  void log(raw_ostream &OS) const override { OS << this->message(); }
+class MissingOptionError : public OptionError<MissingOptionError> {
+  explicit MissingOptionError(std::string OptionName)
+      : OptionName(OptionName) {}
+  std::string message() const override;
+  static char ID;
+  const std::string OptionName;
+class UnparseableEnumOptionError
+    : public OptionError<UnparseableEnumOptionError> {
+  explicit UnparseableEnumOptionError(std::string LookupName,
+                                      std::string LookupValue)
+      : LookupName(LookupName), LookupValue(LookupValue) {}
+  explicit UnparseableEnumOptionError(std::string LookupName,
+                                      std::string LookupValue,
+                                      std::string SuggestedValue)
+      : LookupName(LookupName), LookupValue(LookupValue),
+        SuggestedValue(SuggestedValue) {}
+  std::string message() const override;
+  static char ID;
+  const std::string LookupName;
+  const std::string LookupValue;
+  const llvm::Optional<std::string> SuggestedValue;
+class UnparseableIntegerOptionError
+    : public OptionError<UnparseableIntegerOptionError> {
+  explicit UnparseableIntegerOptionError(std::string LookupName,
+                                         std::string LookupValue,
+                                         bool IsBoolean = false)
+      : LookupName(LookupName), LookupValue(LookupValue), IsBoolean(IsBoolean) {
+  }
+  std::string message() const override;
+  static char ID;
+  const std::string LookupName;
+  const std::string LookupValue;
+  const bool IsBoolean;
 /// Base class for all clang-tidy checks.
 /// To implement a ``ClangTidyCheck``, write a subclass and override some of the
@@ -127,35 +188,82 @@
     OptionsView(StringRef CheckName,
                 const ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &CheckOptions);
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context``.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present, returns
+    /// a ``MissingOptionError``.
+    llvm::Expected<std::string> get(StringRef LocalName) const;
     /// Read a named option from the ``Context``.
     /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
     /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present, returns
     /// \p Default.
-    std::string get(StringRef LocalName, StringRef Default) const;
+    std::string get(StringRef LocalName, StringRef Default) const {
+      if (llvm::Expected<std::string> Val = get(LocalName))
+        return *Val;
+      else
+        llvm::consumeError(Val.takeError());
+      return Default.str();
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context``.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either, returns a ``MissingOptionError``.
+    llvm::Expected<std::string> getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName) const;
     /// Read a named option from the ``Context``.
     /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
     /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
     /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
-    /// present either, returns Default.
-    std::string getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName, StringRef Default) const;
+    /// present either, returns \p Default.
+    std::string getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName, StringRef Default) const {
+      if (llvm::Expected<std::string> Val = getLocalOrGlobal(LocalName))
+        return *Val;
+      else
+        llvm::consumeError(Val.takeError());
+      return Default.str();
+    }
     /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
     /// integral type ``T``.
     /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
     /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present, returns
-    /// \p Default.
+    /// a ``MissingOptionError``. If the corresponding key can't be parsed as
+    /// a ``T``, return an ``UnparseableIntegerOptionError``.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, llvm::Expected<T>>
+    get(StringRef LocalName) const {
+      if (llvm::Expected<std::string> Value = get(LocalName)) {
+        T Result{};
+        if (!StringRef(*Value).getAsInteger(10, Result))
+          return Result;
+        return llvm::make_error<UnparseableIntegerOptionError>(
+            (NamePrefix + LocalName).str(), *Value);
+      } else
+        return std::move(Value.takeError());
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// integral type ``T``.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present or it can't be
+    /// parsed as a ``T``, returns \p Default.
     template <typename T>
     std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, T> get(StringRef LocalName,
                                                         T Default) const {
-      std::string Value = get(LocalName, "");
-      T Result = Default;
-      if (!Value.empty())
-        StringRef(Value).getAsInteger(10, Result);
-      return Result;
+      if (llvm::Expected<T> ValueOr = get<T>(LocalName))
+        return *ValueOr;
+      else
+        logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+      return Default;
     /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
@@ -164,15 +272,157 @@
     /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
     /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
     /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
-    /// present either, returns Default.
+    /// present either, returns a ``MissingOptionError``. If the corresponding
+    /// key can't be parsed as a ``T``, return an
+    /// ``UnparseableIntegerOptionError``.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, llvm::Expected<T>>
+    getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName) const {
+      llvm::Expected<std::string> ValueOr = get(LocalName);
+      bool IsGlobal = false;
+      if (!ValueOr) {
+        IsGlobal = true;
+        llvm::consumeError(ValueOr.takeError());
+        ValueOr = getLocalOrGlobal(LocalName);
+        if (!ValueOr)
+          return std::move(ValueOr.takeError());
+      }
+      T Result{};
+      if (!StringRef(*ValueOr).getAsInteger(10, Result))
+        return Result;
+      return llvm::make_error<UnparseableIntegerOptionError>(
+          (IsGlobal ? LocalName.str() : (NamePrefix + LocalName).str()),
+          *ValueOr);
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// integral type ``T``.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either or it can't be parsed as a ``T``, returns \p Default.
     template <typename T>
     std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>
     getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName, T Default) const {
-      std::string Value = getLocalOrGlobal(LocalName, "");
-      T Result = Default;
-      if (!Value.empty())
-        StringRef(Value).getAsInteger(10, Result);
-      return Result;
+      if (llvm::Expected<T> ValueOr = getLocalOrGlobal<T>(LocalName))
+        return *ValueOr;
+      else
+        logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+      return Default;
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as a bool.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present, returns
+    /// a ``MissingOptionError``. If the corresponding key can't be parsed as
+    /// a bool, return an ``UnparseableIntegerOptionError``.
+    template <> llvm::Expected<bool> get<bool>(StringRef LocalName) const;
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as a bool.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present or it can't be
+    /// parsed as a bool, returns \p Default.
+    template <> bool get<bool>(StringRef LocalName, bool Default) const;
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as a bool.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either, returns a ``MissingOptionError``. If the corresponding
+    /// key can't be parsed as a bool, return an
+    /// ``UnparseableIntegerOptionError``.
+    template <>
+    llvm::Expected<bool> getLocalOrGlobal<bool>(StringRef LocalName) const;
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as a bool.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either or it can't be parsed as a bool, returns \p Default.
+    template <>
+    bool getLocalOrGlobal<bool>(StringRef LocalName, bool Default) const;
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// enum type ``T`` using the \p Mapping provided. If \p IgnoreCase is set,
+    /// it will search the mapping ignoring the case.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present, returns a
+    /// ``MissingOptionError``. If the key can't be parsed as a ``T`` returns a
+    /// ``UnparseableEnumOptionError``.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, llvm::Expected<T>>
+    get(StringRef LocalName, ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping,
+        bool IgnoreCase = false) {
+      if (llvm::Expected<int64_t> ValueOr = getEnumInt(
+              LocalName, typeEraseMapping(Mapping), false, IgnoreCase))
+        return static_cast<T>(*ValueOr);
+      else
+        return std::move(ValueOr.takeError());
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// enum type ``T`` using the \p Mapping provided. If \p IgnoreCase is set,
+    /// it will search the mapping ignoring the case.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from the
+    /// ``CheckOptions``. If the corresponding key is not present or it can't be
+    /// parsed as a ``T``, returns \p Default.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>
+    get(StringRef LocalName, ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping,
+        T Default, bool IgnoreCase = false) {
+      if (auto ValueOr = get(LocalName, Mapping, IgnoreCase))
+        return *ValueOr;
+      else
+        logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+      return Default;
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// enum type ``T`` using the \p Mapping provided. If \p IgnoreCase is set,
+    /// it will search the mapping ignoring the case.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either, returns a ``MissingOptionError``. If the key can't be
+    /// parsed as a ``T`` returns a ``UnparseableEnumOptionError``.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, llvm::Expected<T>>
+    getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName,
+                     ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping,
+                     bool IgnoreCase = false) {
+      if (llvm::Expected<int64_t> ValueOr = getEnumInt(
+              LocalName, typeEraseMapping(Mapping), true, IgnoreCase))
+        return static_cast<T>(*ValueOr);
+      else
+        return std::move(ValueOr.takeError());
+    }
+    /// Read a named option from the ``Context`` and parse it as an
+    /// enum type ``T`` using the \p Mapping provided. If \p IgnoreCase is set,
+    /// it will search the mapping ignoring the case.
+    ///
+    /// Reads the option with the check-local name \p LocalName from local or
+    /// global ``CheckOptions``. Gets local option first. If local is not
+    /// present, falls back to get global option. If global option is not
+    /// present either or it can't be parsed as a ``T``, returns \p Default.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>
+    getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName,
+                     ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping, T Default,
+                     bool IgnoreCase = false) {
+      if (auto ValueOr = getLocalOrGlobal(LocalName, Mapping, IgnoreCase))
+        return *ValueOr;
+      else
+        logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+      return Default;
     /// Stores an option with the check-local name \p LocalName with
@@ -185,7 +435,41 @@
     void store(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Options, StringRef LocalName,
                int64_t Value) const;
+    /// Stores an option with the check-local name \p LocalName as the string
+    /// representation of the Enum \p Value using the \p Mapping to \p Options.
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>
+    store(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Options, StringRef LocalName, T Value,
+          ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping) {
+      auto Iter = llvm::find_if(
+          Mapping, [&](const std::pair<StringRef, T> &NameAndEnum) {
+            return NameAndEnum.second == Value;
+          });
+      assert(Iter != Mapping.end() && "Unknown Case Value");
+      store(Options, LocalName, Iter->first);
+    }
+    using NameAndValue = std::pair<StringRef, int64_t>;
+    llvm::Expected<int64_t> getEnumInt(StringRef LocalName,
+                                       ArrayRef<NameAndValue> Mapping,
+                                       bool CheckGlobal, bool IgnoreCase);
+    template <typename T>
+    std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, std::vector<NameAndValue>>
+    typeEraseMapping(ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, T>> Mapping) {
+      std::vector<NameAndValue> Result;
+      Result.reserve(Mapping.size());
+      for (auto &MappedItem : Mapping) {
+        Result.emplace_back(MappedItem.first,
+                            static_cast<int64_t>(MappedItem.second));
+      }
+      return Result;
+    }
+    static void logErrToStdErr(llvm::Error &&Err);
     std::string NamePrefix;
     const ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &CheckOptions;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyCheck.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,44 @@
 #include "ClangTidyCheck.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace tidy {
+char MissingOptionError::ID;
+char UnparseableEnumOptionError::ID;
+char UnparseableIntegerOptionError::ID;
+std::string MissingOptionError::message() const {
+  llvm::SmallString<128> Buffer;
+  llvm::raw_svector_ostream Output(Buffer);
+  Output << "option not found '" << OptionName << '\'';
+  return std::string(Buffer);
+std::string UnparseableEnumOptionError::message() const {
+  llvm::SmallString<128> Buffer;
+  llvm::raw_svector_ostream Output(Buffer);
+  Output << "invalid configuration value '" << LookupValue << "' for option '"
+         << LookupName << '\'';
+  if (SuggestedValue)
+    Output << "; did you mean '" << *SuggestedValue << "'?";
+  return std::string(Buffer);
+std::string UnparseableIntegerOptionError::message() const {
+  llvm::SmallString<128> Buffer;
+  llvm::raw_svector_ostream Output(Buffer);
+  Output << "invalid configuration value '" << LookupValue << "' for option '"
+         << LookupName << "'; expected "
+         << (IsBoolean ? "a bool" : "an integer value");
+  return std::string(Buffer);
 ClangTidyCheck::ClangTidyCheck(StringRef CheckName, ClangTidyContext *Context)
     : CheckName(CheckName), Context(Context),
       Options(CheckName, Context->getOptions().CheckOptions) {
@@ -34,17 +68,16 @@
                          const ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &CheckOptions)
     : NamePrefix(CheckName.str() + "."), CheckOptions(CheckOptions) {}
-std::string ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::get(StringRef LocalName,
-                                             StringRef Default) const {
+ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::get(StringRef LocalName) const {
   const auto &Iter = CheckOptions.find(NamePrefix + LocalName.str());
   if (Iter != CheckOptions.end())
     return Iter->second;
-  return std::string(Default);
+  return llvm::make_error<MissingOptionError>((NamePrefix + LocalName).str());
-ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName,
-                                              StringRef Default) const {
+ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::getLocalOrGlobal(StringRef LocalName) const {
   auto Iter = CheckOptions.find(NamePrefix + LocalName.str());
   if (Iter != CheckOptions.end())
     return Iter->second;
@@ -52,7 +85,67 @@
   Iter = CheckOptions.find(LocalName.str());
   if (Iter != CheckOptions.end())
     return Iter->second;
-  return std::string(Default);
+  return llvm::make_error<MissingOptionError>((NamePrefix + LocalName).str());
+static llvm::Expected<bool> getAsBool(StringRef Value,
+                                      const llvm::Twine &LookupName) {
+  if (Value == "true")
+    return true;
+  if (Value == "false")
+    return false;
+  bool Result;
+  if (!Value.getAsInteger(10, Result))
+    return Result;
+  return llvm::make_error<UnparseableIntegerOptionError>(LookupName.str(),
+                                                         Value.str(), true);
+template <>
+ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::get<bool>(StringRef LocalName) const {
+  llvm::Expected<std::string> ValueOr = get(LocalName);
+  if (!ValueOr)
+    return ValueOr.takeError();
+  return getAsBool(*ValueOr, NamePrefix + LocalName);
+template <>
+bool ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::get<bool>(StringRef LocalName,
+                                            bool Default) const {
+  llvm::Expected<bool> ValueOr = get<bool>(LocalName);
+  if (ValueOr) {
+    return *ValueOr;
+  }
+  logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+  return Default;
+template <>
+ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::getLocalOrGlobal<bool>(StringRef LocalName) const {
+  llvm::Expected<std::string> ValueOr = get(LocalName);
+  bool IsGlobal = false;
+  if (!ValueOr) {
+    llvm::consumeError(ValueOr.takeError());
+    ValueOr = getLocalOrGlobal(LocalName);
+    IsGlobal = true;
+  }
+  if (!ValueOr)
+    return ValueOr.takeError();
+  return getAsBool(*ValueOr, IsGlobal ? llvm::Twine(LocalName)
+                                      : (NamePrefix + LocalName));
+template <>
+bool ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::getLocalOrGlobal<bool>(StringRef LocalName,
+                                                         bool Default) const {
+  llvm::Expected<bool> ValueOr = getLocalOrGlobal<bool>(LocalName);
+  if (ValueOr) {
+    return *ValueOr;
+  }
+  logErrToStdErr(ValueOr.takeError());
+  return Default;
 void ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::store(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Options,
@@ -67,5 +160,49 @@
   store(Options, LocalName, llvm::itostr(Value));
+llvm::Expected<int64_t> ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::getEnumInt(
+    StringRef LocalName, ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, int64_t>> Mapping,
+    bool CheckGlobal, bool IgnoreCase) {
+  auto Iter = CheckOptions.find((NamePrefix + LocalName).str());
+  if (CheckGlobal && Iter == CheckOptions.end())
+    Iter = CheckOptions.find(LocalName.str());
+  if (Iter == CheckOptions.end())
+    return llvm::make_error<MissingOptionError>((NamePrefix + LocalName).str());
+  StringRef Value = Iter->second;
+  StringRef Closest;
+  unsigned EditDistance = -1;
+  for (const auto &NameAndEnum : Mapping) {
+    if (IgnoreCase) {
+      if (Value.equals_lower(NameAndEnum.first))
+        return NameAndEnum.second;
+    } else if (Value.equals(NameAndEnum.first)) {
+      return NameAndEnum.second;
+    } else if (Value.equals_lower(NameAndEnum.first)) {
+      Closest = NameAndEnum.first;
+      EditDistance = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    unsigned Distance = Value.edit_distance(NameAndEnum.first);
+    if (Distance < EditDistance) {
+      EditDistance = Distance;
+      Closest = NameAndEnum.first;
+    }
+  }
+  if (EditDistance < 3)
+    return llvm::make_error<UnparseableEnumOptionError>(
+        Iter->first, Iter->second, std::string(Closest));
+  return llvm::make_error<UnparseableEnumOptionError>(Iter->first,
+                                                      Iter->second);
+void ClangTidyCheck::OptionsView::logErrToStdErr(llvm::Error &&Err) {
+  llvm::logAllUnhandledErrors(
+      llvm::handleErrors(std::move(Err),
+                         [](const MissingOptionError &) -> llvm::Error {
+                           return llvm::Error::success();
+                         }),
+      llvm::errs(), "warning: ");
 } // namespace tidy
 } // namespace clang
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