whisperity added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:21
+PCH based analysis
I think it's PCH-based with a -.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:25
+These can be generated by the Clang Frontend itself, and must be arranged in a 
specific way in the filesystem.
+The index, which maps function USR names to PCH dumps containing them must 
also be generated by the
+`clang-extdef-mapping` clang tool. The external mapping creation implicitly 
uses a compilation command database to
symbols' USR names

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:26
+The index, which maps function USR names to PCH dumps containing them must 
also be generated by the
+`clang-extdef-mapping` clang tool. The external mapping creation implicitly 
uses a compilation command database to
+determine the compilation flags used.
martong wrote:
> Maybe just simply write `This tool uses a compilation command database ...`
> (Same below with the on-demand version.)
~~clang tool~~

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:26
+The index, which maps function USR names to PCH dumps containing them must 
also be generated by the
+`clang-extdef-mapping` clang tool. The external mapping creation implicitly 
uses a compilation command database to
+determine the compilation flags used.
whisperity wrote:
> martong wrote:
> > Maybe just simply write `This tool uses a compilation command database ...`
> > (Same below with the on-demand version.)
> ~~clang tool~~
And perhaps add some cross-references to what a compilation database is, etc. 
These things are also documented within Clang's doc tree.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:31
+[PCH] Manual CTU Analysis
Instead of a prefix, create an overview of PCH-based analysis, and add this and 
the next one as a 3rd-level heading?

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:111-114
+      -Xclang -analyzer-config -Xclang 
experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true \
+      -Xclang -analyzer-config -Xclang ctu-dir=. \
+      -Xclang -analyzer-config -Xclang ctu-on-demand-parsing=false \
+      -Xclang -analyzer-output=plist-multi-file \
Are these flags documented somewhere?

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:227-228
+compilation database in order to determine the exact compiler invocation used 
for each TU.
+The index, which maps function USR names to source files containing them must 
also be generated by the
+`clang-extdef-mapping` clang tool. The mapping of external definitions 
implicitly uses a compilation command database to
+determine the compilation flags used. Preferably the same compilation database 
should be used when generating the
Same here for comments from above.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:331-335
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - To view results in the terminal use the 
"CodeChecker parse" command.
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - To store results use the "CodeChecker store" 
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - See --help and the user guide for further options 
about parsing and storing the reports.
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - ----=================----
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - Analysis length: 0.659618854523 sec.
These lines could be removed, I think, they don't add anything to the 

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:336-337
+  [INFO 2019-07-16 17:21] - Analysis length: 0.659618854523 sec.
+  $ ls
+  compile_commands.json  foo.cpp main.cpp  reports
+  $ tree reports
Due to the lack of colours, perhaps you could use `ls -F` which suffixes each 
directory with a `/`: `reports/`.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:387
+We actively develop CTU with CodeChecker as a "runner" script, `scan-build-py` 
is not actively developed for CTU.
+`scan-build-py` has various errors and issues, expect it to work with the very 
basic projects only.
as ~~a runner script~~ the driver for this feature

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/user-docs/CrossTranslationUnit.rst:388
+We actively develop CTU with CodeChecker as a "runner" script, `scan-build-py` 
is not actively developed for CTU.
+`scan-build-py` has various errors and issues, expect it to work with the very 
basic projects only.
expect it to work only ...

(to emphasise the limitation)

Comment at: clang/lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp:120
+    case index_error_code::ambiguous_compile_commands_database:
+      return "Compile commands database contains multiple references to the "
+             "same source file.";
martong wrote:
> xazax.hun wrote:
> > Unfortunately, this is a very common case for a large number of projects 
> > that supports multiple targets (e.g. 32 and 64 bits). Is there a plan to 
> > mitigate this problem?
> I don't think we could do that. We need to merge ASTs of those TUs that are 
> linkable. Otherwise the merge will be unsuccessful because of certain 
> mismatches in Decls (structural eq will fail).
> Even in CodeChecker we are planning to issue a hard error in these ambiguous 
> cases, even with the PCH method too. (The error would be suppressible by the 
> user of course, but if that is suppressed then we take no responsibility.)
More clever logging of link commands and creating separate CDBs for each target 
or each binary could help this cause, but that needs infrastructural 
capabilities from both the build system and the analysis driver (i.e. 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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