salman-javed-nz added a comment.

In D111208#3053061 <>, @carlosgalvezp 

> Looking at the code, I see that you use `SuppressionIsSpecific` in order to 
> separate the errors into 2 error lists: `SpecificNolintBegins` and 
> `GlobalNolintBegins`. However you don't do anything different with either 
> list, so why do they need to be different lists?
> Here checking that a combined list is empty would be equivalent:
>   bool WithinNolintBegin =
>       !SpecificNolintBegins.empty() || !GlobalNolintBegins.empty();
> And here, you are running identical code for both lists:
>   for (const auto NolintBegin : SpecificNolintBegins) {
>     auto Error = createNolintError(Context, SM, NolintBegin, true);
>     SuppressionErrors.emplace_back(Error);
>   }
>   for (const auto NolintBegin : GlobalNolintBegins) {
>     auto Error = createNolintError(Context, SM, NolintBegin, true);
>     SuppressionErrors.emplace_back(Error);
>   }
> And then these lists are not used any further than the scope of the function 
> where they are declared. So to me it feels like they could be combined, and 
> this logic of `SuppressionIsSpecific` be removed. Let me know if I'm missing 
> something obvious!

`tallyNolintBegins()` goes through every line, and whenever it sees a 
`NOLINTBEGIN`, it pushes its SourceLocation onto a stack. When it sees a 
`NOLINTEND`, it pops one entry off the stack. At the end of the file, all 
entries on the stack should have been popped off - if not, it's a unmatched 
`NOLINTBEGIN/END` expression error.

`NOLINTBEGIN(check-name)` expressions are pushed onto the 
`SpecificNolintBegins` list, while `NOLINTBEGIN` & `NOLINTBEGIN(*)` expressions 
are pushed onto the `GlobalNolintBegins` list. The reason for the two lists is 
so that `NOLINTBEGIN(check-name)` cannot be popped off by `NOLINTEND` or 
`NOLINTEND(*)`; and `NOLINTBEGIN` and `NOLINTBEGIN(*)` cannot be popped off by 
a `NOLINTEND(check-name)`.

See this line in `tallyNolintBegins()` where it figures out which list to use 
for the `NOLINTBEGIN/END` expression currently being evaluated...

  auto List = [&]() -> SmallVector<SourceLocation> * {
    return SuppressionIsSpecific ? &SpecificNolintBegins : &GlobalNolintBegins;

I'm sure there is an alternate implementation which achieves the same thing 
with just one list object... however the list will probably need to store more 
information about the `NOLINTBEGIN` expression than just its SourceLocation to 
be able to achieve the same goals though... probably a list of 
`pair<SourceLocation Location, StringRef CheckName>`, otherwise you can't match 
a `NOLINTEND` to its corresponding `NOLINTBEGIN`. If you want to take a crack 
at simplifying the logic here, all improvements are appreciated.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.cpp:353
+      if (SuppressionIsSpecific)
+        *SuppressionIsSpecific = true;
carlosgalvezp wrote:
> salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > > carlosgalvezp wrote:
> > > > salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > > > > So when this function is called with args `Line = 
> > > > > "NOLINTBEGIN(google*)"` and `CheckName = 
> > > > > "google-explicit-constructor"`, it will return true with 
> > > > > `*SuppressionIsSpecific = true`.
> > > > > Should `*SuppressionIsSpecific = false` instead here?
> > > > Good point. I honestly don't understand what SuppressionIsSpecific 
> > > > means and how it's used downstream, could you clarify?
> > > `SuppressionIsSpecific = true` means when a check is suppressed by name, 
> > > i.e. `NOLINTBEGIN(check-name)`.
> > > 
> > > `SuppressionIsSpecific = false` means when `NOLINTBEGIN` <zero args> or 
> > > `NOLINTBEGIN(*)` is used. My gut feeling is that It should probably be 
> > > false when a glob is used too.
> > > 
> > > The point of this variable is so that a check-specific `BEGIN` can only 
> > > be `END`ed with a check-specific END.
> > I think the behaviour has changed in this patch.
> > 
> > It used to return `*SuppressionIsSpecific = false` when `ChecksStr = "*"`. 
> > `"*"` is disabling all checks, not a specific check.
> > 
> > Now it returns `*SuppressionIsSpecific = true`. `Globs.contains(CheckName)` 
> > is true regardless of whether `ChecksStr = "*"` or `ChecksStr = 
> > "check-name"`, so it continues running onto line 353 and sets 
> > `*SuppressionIsSpecific = true` no matter what.
> You are right! It's interesting however that this hasn't triggered any unit 
> test error, so I wonder if this variable is needed at all then? I will have a 
> deeper look at the code to get a better understanding and update the patch 
> accordingly.
> You are right! It's interesting however that this hasn't triggered any unit 
> test error

That's because the unit tests are missing a test case that checks this specific 
combination of BEGIN/END expressions. The tests predominantly use `NOLINTBEGIN` 
<zero args>, not `NOLINTBEGIN(*)`.
It would be great if this shortcoming in the test coverage could be plugged in 
this patch.

`nolintbeginend-begin-global-end-specific.cpp` checks:
class A { A(int i); };
// NOLINTEND(google-explicit-constructor)

`nolintbeginend-begin-specific-end-global.cpp` checks:
// NOLINTBEGIN(google-explicit-constructor)
class A { A(int i); };

These 2 files could be used as the basis to create tests for `NOLINTBEGIN(*)` / 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/index.rst:347
+    // No warnings are suppressed, due to double negation
+    Foo(bool param);  // NOLINT(-google*)
carlosgalvezp wrote:
> salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > > carlosgalvezp wrote:
> > > > salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > > > > Would anyone do this on purpose, or is this a user error?
> > > > I don't see any use case here, no. I just thought to document it to 
> > > > clarify the double negation that's happening, in case a user gets 
> > > > confused and doesn't see the warning being suppressed.
> > > > 
> > > > Do you think it brings value or does more harm than good?
> > > 
> > > I don't see any use case here, no. I just thought to document it to 
> > > clarify the double negation that's happening, in case a user gets 
> > > confused and doesn't see the warning being suppressed.
> > > 
> > > Do you think it brings value or does more harm than good?
> > 
> > I'd be happy with just the basic `+` glob functionality. The first thing 
> > I'd use it on is to suppress checks that are an alias of another check, 
> > e.g. `NOLINT(*no-malloc)` to cover both `hicpp-no-malloc` and 
> > `cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc`.
> > 
> > As for glob expressions that begin with a `-`... you get the functionality 
> > for free thanks to the `GlobList` class but it's not a feature I think I 
> > will need. I speak only for myself though. Maybe someone else here has a 
> > strong need for this?
> > 
> > Is `NOLINTBEGIN(-check)` equivalent to `NOLINTEND(check)`? It hursts my 
> > head even thinking about it.
> > 
> > Your unit test where you test `NOLINT(google*,-google*,google*)`, 
> > Clang-Tidy does the right thing in that situation, but I have to wonder why 
> > any user would want to add, remove, then add the same check group in the 
> > one expression in the first place? Should we even be entertaining this kind 
> > of use?
> > Is NOLINTBEGIN(-check) equivalent to NOLINTEND(check)?
> To me it's clear that it's not. Any NOLINTBEGIN(X) must have a matching 
> NOLINTEND(X), regardless of whether X is a glob or not.
> Totally agree that negative globs are probably not needed, the main use case 
> is being able to suppress all aliases as you say.
> I just thought it was neat to be able to reuse code in that way, the code is 
> very clean and easy to read. Plus users are familiar with the syntax. If 
> users want to abuse it that would be at their own maintenance expense - 
> clang-tidy would just do what it was asked to do, without crashing or 
> anything bad happening.
> The same thing can be done when running the tool - you can run 
> "--checks=google*,-google*" and I don't think clang-tidy has code to warn the 
> user/prevent this from happening. Considering all these edge cases would 
> perhaps complicate the design of the tool for no real use case? I.e. too 
> defensive programming.
> I added the unit test mostly to make sure clang-tidy doesn't crash or does 
> something strange, it just does what the user instructed it to do. I thought 
> such edge cases are encouraged in unit tests to increase coverage.
> Would it be reasonable to keep negative globs in the implementation (to 
> simplify maintenance, reuse code), but not document it in the public docs? 
> Otherwise I'll need to refactor GlobList to be able to reuse the part of the 
> code that consumes the positive globs. I don't think it makes sense to create 
> a parallel implementation of that part (kind of what exists already now, 
> before my patch).
> > Is NOLINTBEGIN(-check) equivalent to NOLINTEND(check)?
> To me it's clear that it's not. Any NOLINTBEGIN(X) must have a matching 
> NOLINTEND(X), regardless of whether X is a glob or not.
> Totally agree that negative globs are probably not needed, the main use case 
> is being able to suppress all aliases as you say.
> I just thought it was neat to be able to reuse code in that way, the code is 
> very clean and easy to read. Plus users are familiar with the syntax. If 
> users want to abuse it that would be at their own maintenance expense - 
> clang-tidy would just do what it was asked to do, without crashing or 
> anything bad happening.
> The same thing can be done when running the tool - you can run 
> "--checks=google*,-google*" and I don't think clang-tidy has code to warn the 
> user/prevent this from happening. Considering all these edge cases would 
> perhaps complicate the design of the tool for no real use case? I.e. too 
> defensive programming.
> I added the unit test mostly to make sure clang-tidy doesn't crash or does 
> something strange, it just does what the user instructed it to do. I thought 
> such edge cases are encouraged in unit tests to increase coverage.

I see all your points about reusing the glob functionality. As long as this 
functionality does not let a user shoot themselves in the foot, I don't see a 
problem with it. 
A large proportion of the review of my `NOLINTBEGIN/NOLINTEND` patch was spent 
going over all the ways a user could misuse the functionality. The concern was 
mainly that we didn't want a user to unwittingly disable checks for the entire 
file because of a stray `NOLINTBEGIN` without an `NOLINTEND` marker.
The worst I can see a confused user do with this new glob feature is use 
`NOLINT(-check*)` which as you have already explained is a double negative and 
shows the warnings anyway, so no harm done.

I find it funny that master allows `NOLINT(` with no closing bracket go though 
as a `NOLINT` when it's clearly a sign of user error. Clang-Tidy could be more 
proactive in alerting the user to these mistakes, but I get there's a balance 
between code complexity and harm reduction. This quirk is not directly related 
to your patch so that's a story to continue on another day.

> Would it be reasonable to keep negative globs in the implementation (to 
> simplify maintenance, reuse code), but not document it in the public docs? 
> Otherwise I'll need to refactor GlobList to be able to reuse the part of the 
> code that consumes the positive globs. I don't think it makes sense to create 
> a parallel implementation of that part (kind of what exists already now, 
> before my patch).

I'm only here to provide some insight about code I recently wrote. Let's wait 
for the actual reviewers who have a better sense of the direction of this 
project to say how things should be.


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