salman-javed-nz added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.cpp:407-409
+      if (!NolintBegins.empty() &&
+          (NolintBegins.back().second == NolintBracket)) {
+        NolintBegins.pop_back();
carlosgalvezp wrote:
> salman-javed-nz wrote:
> > It's not necessarily the last element of `NolintBegins` that you need to 
> > `pop_back()`.
> > 
> > In the case where you have overlapping `NOLINTBEGIN` regions...
> > ```
> > // NOLINTBEGIN(A)  <-- push A
> > // NOLINTBEGIN(B) <-- push B
> > // NOLINTEND(A) <-- pop A
> > // NOLINTEND(B) <-- pop B
> > ```
> > 
> > Therefore you need to search through all of the elements, not just the last 
> > one.
> Thanks, that's right. However that's a problem that already exists on master, 
> right? It's pushing from the back anyway? We should probably have a unit test 
> for this.
> Would it make sense to leave that for a separate patch? Seems like the scope 
> is growing and I'd like to keep the change as small as possible.
> Thanks, that's right. However that's a problem that already exists on master, 
> right? It's pushing from the back anyway?

Actually yes, you're right. Disregard my previous comment. I was thinking of a 
scenario that isn't a problem.
It's all looking good to me now. 


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