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On Sunday 06 January 2002 22:03, you wrote:
> Ok, one more post....
> What's pathetic is that America let the cesspool in Afghanistan grow and
> multiply into what it is/was.

Being that it was America who trained the lot in the first place, I can't say 
I'm sorry.  American did a lot of really dumb things in their cold war 
against "commuisim".  And the war on drugs.  And the war against Nazis.  And 
the war against Germany before that.  And the Spanish-American war (a US 
navel ship blew up in a Spanish harbor.  It was blamed on the Spanish, the 
media at the time blew it out of proportion, America went to war, got a lot 
of territory and became a dominant world power.  These days, we're almost 
certain the incident that began the war was an accident with the ship's 
boilers).  And the civil war.  I haven't heard much about the war of 1812 or 
the Revolutionary war, but I'm sure it's just because I haven't looked hard 
enough :)

In any case, these examples force me to wonder what horrors the American 
government will commit in their war on terrorisim.

> We should have sent in the troops after the
> embassy bombings, and especially after the USS Cole was bombed. The fact
> that it took an attack in NY and 2000+ lives for us to wake up to this
> threat is pathetic. There we're those in the CIA who openly warned us over
> 6 months ago that bin laden will likely strike America, and what happened?
> Not a damn thing. All clinet did was send submarines to deal with him.
> Jesus Christ, submarines to a land locked nation? Tomahawks fly slow.
> Clinton should have had the balls to send in the troops sooner. The
> Russians were even warning us about bin laden, and recommending military
> action. And we ignored all the evidence. That's absolutely pathetic.
> Clinton was more interested in doing what the poll's told him to do, than
> what was right. I'd rather of had Dan Quale, or some other looser, than
> Clinton. As commander in chief he had a job to prevent this crap, we had
> many warnings, and look what happened.
> Clinton should have declared saddam Hussein as being in violation of the
> cease fire agreement and sent in the troops to finish the job. Instead
> we're going to wait until he has nukes and uses them, before we do it
> right. Not a single (true) arab leader will miss him.
> We should stop buying oil from the saudi's and start buying it from Russia.
> The saudi's are a monarchy, corrupt as shit, and are just a few steps above
> the taliban in many ways. And we protect and support them. Something's
> wrong here.
> For some reason  I usually side with republicans when it comes to foreign
> policy. Hmmm...
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         chat-admin at freenetproject.org [mailto:chat-admin at 
> freenetproject.org]
> On Behalf Of Mark J Roberts
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 7:20 PM
> To:   chat at freenetproject.org
> Subject:      Re: [freenet-chat] The Coming Storm
> Ian Clarke:
> > I took the accusation from a representative of the Church of
> > Scientology that *I* was a pedophile as quite a compliment in this
> > light
> Oh, I agree entirely, those half-wit commies inevitably resort to
> such petty childish name-calling. They also seem quite fond of
> brainwashing and mass murder, two things Commie Chomsky just loves.
> > when one side or the other resort to insults it suggests that
> > childishness is the best argument they have to offer.
> Those leftists sure are stupid, aren't they.
> > Actually, until recently the CIA was Osama's biggest supporter,
> > and didn't you notice?  The USSR is no-more.
> The State Department is obviously suffering from communist
> infiltration. If Real Americans were running the show, we'd have
> annexed Afghanistan and reigned in those mujahedeen before they
> made any trouble.
> Only a communist like Chomsky would neglect Afghanistan and thus
> unleash terrorism upon the greatest country in the world, the USA,
> while giggling and smirking as the Afghan people starve under
> Taliban rule. But, you know, communists love that.
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