Resending, as I sent the first time from the wrong address.

> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 8:06 AM, PaulTopping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is all very old territory. As far as I know, NPAPI requires that
>> the amount of space the equation takes up on a page be known in
>> advance, rather than be calculated at run-time to be dependent on the
>> MathML content. There is no support for baseline alignment of the
>> equation with the surrounding text. The rendering can't adapt to the
>> font and point size of the surrounding text, an absoluter requirement
>> for math. There is no connection to accessibility. Authors are not
>> interested in writing separate MathML files. With a typical technical
>> paper containing hundreds of equations, it very quickly becomes a
>> nightmare.
> That isn't how I meant to suggest using NPAPI. And just so you know,
> I'd be happy to have people building these kind of extensions on top
> of Chromium's extension system; I'm not trying to shoo you away. I'm
> just curious to know where NPAPI falls short because it seems like a
> good way to implement something like this.
> How I envisioned you might use NPAPI is to have a single script,
> similar to gears_init.js [1] that you ask authors to embed on their
> pages. In browsers that natively support MathML, the script does
> nothing. Otherwise, if it detects your plugin is installed, it creates
> and embeds it. The script then interacts with the plugin, eventually
> modifying the DOM of the page. The NPAPI plugin could generate base-64
> encoded images which could be embedded by the script using IMG
> elements with data: URLs. The script could even detect page resizes
> and font size changes and regenerate the images.
> In IE, how do you actually render the math content? Is the visible
> area an Active-X control? Or are you implementing an IE binary
> behavior to do custom handling of tags?
> - a
> [1]

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