On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Nikita Ofitserov <himi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Don't try to get pid dynamically, but create on startup in datadir
> file 'ChromePid' or something like that with pid. Also, create an IPC
> channel with channel_id equal to pid with forced FIFO mode on POSIX.
> Current POSIX implementation should be modified to allow this and to
> store socket in datadir, not in /var/tmp. Then ProcessSingleton check
> would be simple and crossplatform: find pid file, read pid, connect to
> channel, send some message and wait for response.
> This eliminates all differences between platforms in
> process_singleton_* and chrome_process_util_*.

Having seen the rest of the discussion now, I think a fair summary of this is:
1) On Windows, the existing code is cleaner (no extra pid file, cleans
itself up for free).
2) On Mac, they will use a different mechanism for process_singleton.

That still leaves:
 - Linux process_singleton, process_util
 - Mac process_util

The Linux process_singleton still needs the socket for being able to
send commands through (after your change, which I'd still like
commit), so it's unlikely to change.

That leaves process_util for Linux and Mac, which uses fuser (or
something similar) and that is a hack.  However, it's only used for ui
tests, I believe -- it's not needed in normal usage.  I am not opposed
to (lazily, on a background thread) writing a pid file on Linux,
though I'd prefer some other solution if one could be found.  Maybe
it's to just remove the need for ChromeBrowserProcessId() somehow.

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