
Seal's brother (Barebottoms on the Free Republic Bulletin Board) is 
covering very old turf. I guess Shaab and his bride knew Porter 
Goss, Frank Sturgis, Barry Seal, Felix Rodriguez and Oswald's double 
as they are all present in that Rosetta Stone photo. 

Then again, maybe it is all part of a campaign designed to get you 
chasing your tail like Little Black Sambo's tiger.

Allegedly, Seal flew guns to Castro in pre-revolution Cuba, flew the 
JFK assassins out of Texas, flew Cocaine into the USA during Iran 
Contra, and had GHWB's personal phone number in his wallet when he 
was gunned down by supposed drug cartel hitmen.

I think it is funny (odd not humorous) as hell that Daniel does most 
of his interviews with Dave Emory - a man who would have you believe 
that the Nazis are behind todays illicit drug traffic and Islamic 

For the sake of perspective, anyone who was twenty years old in 1945 
would be in their eighties today - hardly an age at which 
effectiveness in the management of a worldwide criminal enterprise 
can be claimed. In addition, it is difficult for me to believe that 
these so called Nazis were able to recruit so many proselytes to the 
cause. Then again, the Mossad connection to drugs and false flag 
terror is ignored completely. You see, Dan and Dave know which side 
of the bread has butter on it and who owns the sticks of butter.

I am waiting to see what Barry Seal's brother has to say about 
Amanda Keller. She apparently is not capable of identifying which 
Mohammed she was screwing prior to 911 and she has repudiated all of 
her prior claims. Sooo! not to put too fine a point on it, the basis 
of Dan's argument that Atta was a psycho because he was able to tear 
apart cute kittens in revenge for being jilted by a bimbo just 
vanishes into thin air, as does the dancing in a green speedo, 
listening to the Beastie Boys, tearing up bibles and calling a blond 
German named Wolfgang his "brother".

As Matt Damon says in THE GOOD SHEPHERD

"Wer war der tor, wer weiser, wer bettler oder kaiser, ob arm ob 
reich, im tode gleich!"

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > 
> > by Wendell Seal
> > 
> > Hopsicker has lied about my brother Barry Seal if any one wants 
to hear
> > about it email me.... the "Holy Grail Picture" that he used to 
say it
> > was CIA spooks meeting in Mexico City was a snapshot of a 
wedding party
> > of Ronny Shaab's sisters batchlor party.....
> >

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