Amanda Keller was the "personal escort" whom Atta was boffing when 
he was in Florida prior to 911. Hopsicker tracked her down and 
interviewed her extensively. She brought up all kinds of interesting 
things about Atta that gave Daniel keen insight into Atta's mind. 
Daniel has used many of the insights he got from Amanda Keller to 
draw the conclusion that Atta could in fact do 911 and that he was 
not a patsy.

In the summer of 2006, Amanda Keller denied ever knowing Mohammed 
Atta. She says it was another Mohammed. If this is the case, you can 
see how it weakens the underpinning of Dan's thesis about Atta's 

 --- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
> > Seal's brother (Barebottoms on the Free Republic Bulletin Board) 
> > covering very old turf. I guess Shaab and his bride knew Porter 
> > Goss, Frank Sturgis, Barry Seal, Felix Rodriguez and Oswald's 
> > as they are all present in that Rosetta Stone photo. 
> VMANN:  yeah, that was my response on the packers usenet board.
> > I am waiting to see what Barry Seal's brother has to say about 
> > Amanda Keller. She apparently is not capable of identifying 
> > Mohammed she was screwing prior to 911 and she has repudiated 
all of 
> > her prior claims. Sooo! not to put too fine a point on it, the 
> > of Dan's argument that Atta was a psycho because he was able to 
> > apart cute kittens in revenge for being jilted by a bimbo just 
> > vanishes into thin air, as does the dancing in a green speedo, 
> > listening to the Beastie Boys, tearing up bibles and calling a 
> > German named Wolfgang his "brother".
> VMANN:  i dont follow.
> vigilius haufniensis

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