This email was sent to some members of the Senate and House.
  The following is typical Letters to the Editor now adays.  From the public 
voices, I hear more and more about being fed up with the war in Iraq.  Also 
there is so much talk about our budget, and what it is being spent on while the 
rest of America goes without.
  The families are actually writing to me and saying they don't have money to 
buy food or other needs for their children.  Every wife doesn't have parents or 
family to depend on. So, I know from their letters that they are really stessed 
out besides having their husbands not at home, but just running the family 
alone.  Many of them have to go to the food shelters, etc to simply feed their 
children.   This matter should perhaps be looked into, particularly since there 
seems to be enough borrowed money for the rich to have a very fat 'tax cut' 
when so many of the top corporations are already govt subsidized..The CEOs take 
too much of the profit for their personal perks and salaries.  This should 
stop.  Why are we borrowing money in order to do the bidding of this 
adminstration.  There were three top Generals who turned down a request of the 
white house, I think it is because they know it is an illegal war in thefirst 
place, and they lied to get the resolutions from congress. 
 Can't that be desolved?  And used to stop this war immediately?  The "Surge" 
is only creating more death for both the our troops in the military and the 
Iraqi people,, when we surge, they surge,  this should be rum from here on in 
by Nato as a peace keeping presense only.  It would not take that long to 
withdraw.  I cannot see any victory for this administration, unless he intends 
to stay until the military destroys all life in Iraq?  the other alternative 
would be the victory for the North Atlantic Union by having large Oil Fields to 
their list of obligations to the Bilderburg Group who does the planning. There 
is about 60% black market oil being sold from the Iraqi oil fields.  What is 
this administration doing with all the oil which is exported, and they claim 
hardly any,  that needs to be checked out.  Something is wrong in river city.  
Of course, the Bilderbergs have changed their web site to a kiddie cloting 
store outlet.. but down about 6 or 7 you will get a very
 mild Bilderberg who is very mellow and simple.  They have gone back into 
hiding.  but that does not stop their meeting this summer in Old Germany.  What 
will happen to America after the North Atlantic Union is complete with it's 
huge toll freeway for trucks and rail for is massive and very, very who do they have paying for it?  That's right, the American Tax 
Payers. And who is responsible for saving this country?  The Congress at the 
moment and if possible win the eletions for a larger senate and also the 
excutive branch as well. it will take all three to get this country turned 
around.  And Let us hope that they don't destroy our country completely before 
we can do that.  They already even have the name for our currency, it will be 
called Amerios...well, I suppose that is a good name since they are doing away 
with America completely.  We are our only chance of turning it around and that 
would probably mean #1, pull out of this war which is
 taking our money and attention to iraq, instead of our own country sinking 
more every single day. They do not intend for our Congress to stay in 
existence, nor do they intend to have elections, or even a president any more.  
It will be the totalitarian nation of which they dream of to usher in the New 
World Order.. That is not a very pretty picture and I am wondering why This 
administration andt he GOP congress, didn't inform us about it, or the 
Democratic Congress?   They just simply went right ahead as if they already own 
this country.. I think the tarrifs on the incoming trade should be put back in 
place to keep us from going totally broke. let the greedy corporations pay it 
for a change.
  We need to take some action to slow that down and that would enclude the 
Patriot Bill and the New Military Bill which excludes our habeas corpus.  
  According to the news today, the "surge" is not saving lives, there is an 
increase of both our Military and Iraq Civilians of up 20% above what it was 
before the surge.
  Theresa J. Steed
          [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Date:  Sun, 15 Apr 2007 17:07:38 EDT    Subject: 
    The following are excerpts from editorial in today's newspaper. It is one 
of the longest editorials I have seen in the paper. It is indicative of the 
morale and problems faced by Army personnel and their families. More and more 
is being demanded from them. The Pentagon will pay an extra $1,000 a month for 
those extended three months to 15 months. Along with up to $150,000 in 
reenlistment bonuses, it is also indicative of the problem facing the Army of 
retaining military personnel and their recruitment. While the Marines are only 
deployed for 7 months, and other services for up to 12 months, Army personnel 
are now having to stay longer in Iraq.
    In Bush's never-ending war on terror (side-tracked in Iraq), the Army is 
called upon to do more than their share, while the wealthy are asked to make no 
sacrifices and instead given huge tax cuts while the national debt skyrockets 
out of sight.
    How much will the U.S. gain from the Iraq war? Likely nothing. How much 
will the U.S. lose? Likely much more than it can afford. RB
    Army tour extension difficult to swallow
    The Pentagon’s latest change in plans is a hard pill to swallow.
  Wednesday’s announcement that the deployments of all active-duty soldiers in 
Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait would be extended by three months was more than 
disappointing to many in the Fort Hood community. It was demoralizing......
  Defense Secretary Robert Gates described the policy as “a difficult but 
necessary interim step,” until the Pentagon can shift to a schedule of 12-month 
deployments followed by 12 months at home.
  Without the extension, Gates said, five active-duty Army brigades would have 
to deploy before they had spent 12 months at home. By extending all deployed 
troops, he noted, the pain is shared equally.....
  For 1st Cavalry Division families who just last month had celebrated the 
halfway point of what had been an anticipated 12-month deployment, the new 
timetable is bound to be disheartening.
  Fort Hood commanders have consistently cautioned that deployments can be 
extended, so the announcement didn’t come as a total shock to most soldiers and 
their families.
  Still, the change in policy illustrates just how thin the military–and 
specifically the Army–is stretched right now.
  The 1st Cav is in the midst of its second tour of Iraq, and the 4th Infantry 
is preparing to head overseas for its third deployment since 2003. The 
community hasn’t seen both full divisions stationed here at once for almost 
five years.....
  Just last year, the Pentagon was promising longer assignments at each duty 
station, as well as longer times between deployments. As recently as February, 
senior Army leaders were expressing optimism that tour lengths could be 
shortened to nine months or less.
  Apparently, those plans are now on hold–if indeed they are still under 
consideration at all.
  For 1st Cav families whose soldiers deployed before Christmas last year, 
Wednesday’s announcement brought the harsh reality home that those soldiers 
wouldn’t be home for this Christmas either.
  For the families of 4th Infantry soldiers likely to deploy later this year, 
the Pentagon policy change means their soldiers probably won’t be home for the 
holidays this year, or next.....
  Those forces could be further stretched if the deployment extensions 
seriously impact the Army’s efforts to recruit and retain quality soldiers......
  But for Fort Hood-area residents who have watched this war unfold over the 
past four years, it is apparent that the Pentagon is overtaxing our soldiers, 
asking increasingly difficult sacrifices of their spouses and families and 
placing tremendous strain on our military community.....
  We also realize that war planning is never exact, its execution never easy, 
its results never predictable.
  But our soldiers are tired, their families are stressed, the community is 
  Unfortunately, this new plan fails to take any of that into account.

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