Hi all,


I'm just getting started with OpenSolaris to try and see if we can
utilize it as a NAS CIFS server (combination with X4540 seems very
promising). Most of the setup was easy especially when coming from a
UNIX/Linux background. However we have a number of Windows
administrators so using the Windows MMC for administering the CIFS
shares would be a great pro.


Using a Windows (Windows 7) client I can connect to the OpenSolaris
machine (which is joined to an Active Directory domain), using the MMC.
I can browse the logs, check the services and browse shares, sessions
and open files. I can set security permissions on the shares. However I
run into issues when trying to set share permissions. I can see the
permissions, but changing them from the MMC is not possible. Changes are
immediately reverted to their original values. I am able to set correct
ACLs on the share from OpenSolaris itself using the CLI (using the
.zfs/shares directory), but it's a bit of a pain to use it that way to
be honest. Is this a known issue with b134?


Also, I've read in a number of SUN presentations that adding new shares
from the MMC should work, however I cannot get it to work. Every folder
path I've tried is denied. For me this really isn't a big issue, but it
would be nice to know the current status of the MMC implementation. J




Best regards,

  Alexander Brinkman.




ing. Alexander Brinkman
Co-ordinator ICT
MSuG MARIN Support Group
T +31 317 49 34 99

2, Haagsteeg, P.O. Box 28, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
T +31 317 49 39 11, F +31 317 49 32 50, I http://www.marin.nl/
 SAFETUG, a unique € 3 million joint industry project concludes 

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