
I have a problem on a CIFS share, that I can only reproduce with MATLAB running 
on Windows.
I know very little about MATLAB, so I can't tell what it's trying to do.

Running a MATLAB application that tries to load images from a folder sometimes 
doesn't load the images.
If I access the images first, by running Windows explorer in the directory, or 
running `find` or touch -a, then MATLAB usually loads the images.

The only thing I can do is snoop the traffic, and I see, what appears to me as 
strange, and wonder if it could be the problem.

Windows -> Solaris SMB C Code=0x32 Name=SMBtrans2 Findfirst 
File=\MATLABdir\IMAGES\<.IMAG Error=0

Could the "<" be causing a problem?

I'm running snv_134
Needless to say, it works fine if the files are on a local filesystem or Samba 

I'm a bit baffled with this one.

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