Hi Andrew, here is the current status of your request.

We have submitted a request to our product team to complete a validated and 
combined schema for Windows 2000, 2003, 2003R2, 2008 and 2008R2, incorporating 
all TDI’s submitted against [MS-ADA1], [MS-ADA2], [MS-ADA3], [MS-ADSC] and 
[MS-ADTS]. Please expect this to take at least several weeks before we have any 
results. I will keep you posted.

Also, please note that the text schemas in the 
SchemaTextFilesAndDisplaySpecifiers.zip I sent on Wed 6/30/2010 are the most 
recent we have provided, with the exception of the Windows 2008 files - 
2k8\MS-AD_Schema_2K8_*.txt; 2k8\DisplaySpecifiers-Win2k8.txt  is current with 
the other display specifier text files.

In the meantime, if you aren’t already aware of the following blog entries, I 
would like to bring them to your attention, as they bear somewhat on your 
efforts. On the same topic, I have attached ‘DumpSchema.cmd.txt’, which will 
invoke ldifde.exe to dump a Windows 2xxx AD domain RootDSE and Configuration 
trees into .ldf files (it will ask if you want to change the domain/DC/user, 
which are preselected from environment variables).

Understanding the minimum set of DIT elements required by the first DC using 

Using the Windows Server Protocols documentation set to better understand the 
Active Directory Schema

Thanks for your patience!

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Email:   bil...@microsoft.com
Tel:       +1(980) 776-8200
Cell:      +1(704) 661-5438
Fax:      +1(704) 665-9606

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:51 AM
To: "Bill Wesse" <bil...@microsoft.com>
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" <casem...@microsoft.com>; "cifs-proto...@samba.org" 
Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 17:21 +0000, Bill Wesse wrote: 
> A quick update: Confirmation on time/dates of the latest schema text 
> files will be forthcoming after the July 6 meeting I mentioned below.
> Sorry I won't be able to confirm before that. Thanks again for your 
> patience...

No worries.  I would rather wait until you have absolute confidence that these 
schema files match the schema in Windows than spend time debugging why they 
don't match. 

Andrew Bartlett 

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org 
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc. 

@echo off

if defined _vect_ goto :%_vect_%

set _this_="%~f0"
set _vect_=GetDefaultSettings
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change these settings: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :Perform
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :Perform
set _vect_=GetDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetDCName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetUserName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%
set _vect_=DumpOnePartition
call %_this_% "%_from_%" Configuration
call %_this_% "%_from_%"
goto :Exit

echo %_esep_%
set _root_=%~1
if "%~2" equ "" (
   set _file_=RootDSE.ldf
   goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _file_=%~1.ldf

if "%~1" equ "" goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _root_=CN=%~1,%_root_%
goto :DumpOnePartitionNextSubtree

echo Exporting: %USERDNSDOMAIN%
echo        To: %_file_%
echo      Root: %_root_%
if exist "%_file_%" del /f "%_file_%">nul
ldifde.exe %_sarg_%%_uarg_%-d %_root_% -f "%_file_%"
set _errn_=%errorlevel%
if %_errn_% neq 0 (
   echo     Error: %_errn_%
   echo  Deleting: %_file_%
   del /f "%_file_%">nul
goto :EOF

set _vect_=CrackDnsDomainName
set _from_=
for /f "tokens=1-26 delims=." %%a in ("%_ddns_%") do call %_this_% %%a %%b %%c 
%%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m %%n %%o %%p %%q %%r %%s %%t %%u %%v %%w 
%%x %%y %%z
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
goto :EOF

if "%~1" equ "" goto :EOF
if "%_from_%" equ "" (
   set _from_=DC=%~1
) else (
   set _from_=%_from_%,DC=%~1
goto :CrackDnsDomainName

set _ddns_=%USERDNSDOMAIN%
set _serv_=%LOGONSERVER:~2%
set _user_=
set _pass_=
set _from_=
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_% %_ddns_%
goto :EOF

echo %_esep_%
echo Domain: %_ddns_%
echo BaseDN: %_from_%
if "%_serv_%" equ "" (
   echo Server: DC of %_ddns_%
) else (
   echo Server: %_serv_%
if "%_user_%" neq "" (
   echo   User: %_user_%
if "%_pass_%" neq "" (
   echo Passwd: %_pass_%
goto :EOF

echo Domain: %_ddns_%
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change the domain to bind to: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :EOF
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :EOF
set _targ_=
set /p _targ_=Enter the name of the domain to bind to  : 
if "%_targ_%" equ "" (
   set _ddns_=%USERDNSDOMAIN%
) else (
   set _ddns_=%_targ_%
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_% 
goto :EOF

set _here_=0
if /i "%_serv_%" equ "%COMPUTERNAME%" set _here_=1&set_serv_%=%COMPUTERNAME%
if %_here_% equ 0 echo Server: %_serv_% (remote)
if %_here_% equ 1 echo Server: %_serv_%
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change the server to bind to: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :EOF
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :EOF
set _targ_=
set /p _targ_=Enter the name of the server to bind to  : 
if "%_targ_%" equ "" (
   set _serv_=
) else (
   set _serv_=%_targ_%
if "%_serv_%" equ "" (
   set _sarg_=
) else (
   set _sarg_=-s %_serv_% 
goto :EOF

set _user_=
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change the username to bind with: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :EOF
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :EOF
set _targ_=
set /p _targ_=Enter the username to bind with              : 
if "%_targ_%" neq "" (
   set _user_=%_targ_%
if "%_user_%" neq "" (
   set _uarg_=-a %_user_% %_ddns_% 
) else (
   set _uarg_=
   goto :EOF
set _targ_=
set /p _targ_=Enter the password for %_ddns_%\%_user_% : 
if "%_targ_%" neq "" (
   set _pass_=%_targ_%
   set _uarg_=%_uarg_%%_targ_% 
goto :EOF

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