Jonas Wulff wrote:
>>  * Help coding already planned and important things
> Is there a list somewhere of *concrete* things to do (besides the
> bugtracker) somewhere?
> And not just on the coding side of things... Maybe we should create a
> list (and have it online) like this:

Exactly thats what I meant, it is already a valueable contribution that
you just start with this list! Thanks. Other people may work out things
about coding tasks, I can do that somtime next for the cin3 tree.

Further, I can't say that enough. I would really really like if the
website would be some wiki where people are actually able to work with
content (not just the documentation wiki). I have something in my queue
to make a web-editable (wiki) like git interface. Maybe you'll see it in
december :) .. note that I am currently busy with other things (and
Piksel next days), be back in december.


> Documentation:
> ==============
> * Special effect tutorials (timewarp, motion, subtle color correction)
> * Tutorials on using cinelerra with blender, audacity etc... (It
> doesn't have to be a one-click solution as long as you know the
> workflow)
> * ...
> Coding:
> =======
> * Fix bug Nr. XXXX
> * Implement feature YYYY
> Website:
> ========
> * Put the tutorials in a more prominent place! There are IMHO *far*
> more important than having every format for every translation listed
> explicitly.
> * ...
> I hope my point gets clear. I think a clear list of (more or less)
> small, well-defined items would be helpful and would attract more
> people to actually *do* something rather than talking (well.. as I do
> now. Sorry for that ;)
> Cheers,
>  Jonas
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