On 12/15/2017 10:47 AM, Aaron Gould wrote:
> As a side-note/response to the "don't laugh....inherited" comment...
> Anyone who has been around long enough should know that there are things that 
> we all come across in our careers that we ask "what in the world were they 
> thinking?!" ... but, in order for you to appreciate/understand exactly what 
> someone was thinking and why they used certain equipment and why is the 
> network configured the way it is, would require that you hunt down perhaps 
> several previous employees, vendor teams, contractors, and in some 
> unfortunate cases, possibly resurrect someone from the dead to get the 
> COMPLETE story as to why things are the way they are.
> As time goes on, I hope I'm learning to not criticize to quickly, before I 
> get a chance to know the whole story.... often you will never get the whole 
> story and you just have to realize, what appears to be a significantly 
> deficient node or design was, at one time, AWESOME.    :|

    I think in a lot of these cases, it's simply a lack of prior
experience and having seen a solution to whatever problem they were
attacking at the time. This equipment allows you to do many things, with
so many knobs switches and buttons in the software stack that you pretty
much can route a sheep thru your network if you really put your mind to
it. I think this is why we all need to continue to provide training and
'best examples' to our junior staff, as well as even here on the mailing
lists, so that the temptation to 'roll your own' is lessened in the face
of good solid examples from others who have been down that road before.
I have learned a hell of a lot from not only this group but also the
kind private email assistance and other web forums, and there are
attitudes and approaches to things that I have changed over the years as
a result. I don't think there really is a template of a 'one size fits
all', but at the same time, I think at this stage of the networking
game, there definitely are some real gems of general network design and
implementation principals that deserve to be documented and more
publicly circulated with the 'operational experience' behind it explained.

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