
I have been looking at the RC1 for ClamAV. With the rewrite of the Milter it has removed one important (for us) feature. That is the ability to notify clients that there mail has been intercepted.

As an ISP here in Luxembourg we stand liable if we intercept and remove mail without informing the client. Our current system informs the recipient about filtered Virus mail and delivers UCE tagged (or delivered to a Spam folder).

I have had a look at the source to the new Milter and have seen that it has simplified the program and made it much simpler. This is great. I looked at the possibility for re-adding the notification possibility and have had initial success with only a small patch. The style of the patch, I believe, stays within the spirit of the re-write.

Before doing any further development, I wanted to get an idea if this might make it into the upstream code or if something like this would end up being an in-house patch.


Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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