Julio Canto wrote:

Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

Yes. There's nothing that prevent you running freshclam (or whatever your updater will be) every minute or so.
However, with the default check time of one hour (default for RPM packages, that is), mirrors already
uses lots of bandwitdh (over 100 GB a month each), so please consider that when you're running virus db updater ...

Anyway, I'm not using freshclam but a python script.

TK said newer versions of freshclam will use DNS to determine db versions.
For now, you could either :
- get first few bytes of main.cvd and daily.cvd to determine current version, or
- use my unofficial DNS tracker to determine virus database version.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] fajar]$ host -t txt version.daily.db.clamav.or.id
version.daily.db.clamav.or.id text "462"

Please see my previous post to see how I setup and update daily.db.clamav.or.id.

What I'm doing now is something simpler: I just check the dates of files published on one of the mirrors with the database files (http://clamav.fisher.hu/database/ for instance). If I detect if is newer than the last one I downloaded, then I get the files, and that's all. That way I avoid having to 'touch' the files themselves.
Probably it ain't the most elegant way to do so, but I bet it is has a quite low comsumption rate of resources of Clam av servers online :)
Julio Canto
Hispasec Sistemas

As I have several servers here, I run a local mirror here using wget -m, which does essentially the same: check modification time via HEAD request. This doesn't hurt performance on the server.
All local machines run freshclam as daemon, with 48 checks per day (last time I checked the maximum value was 50).


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