Damian Menscher said:
> On Sun, 29 May 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:
>> Timothy Omer said:
>>> 15 */4 * * */usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet || mail -s "There has been
>>> an
>>> error updating ClamAV on the Office Server" [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>>> /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
>> use:
>> 15 */4 * * */usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet 2>&1 | mail -s "There has
>> been an error updating ClamAV on the Office Server" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> This should send stderr output to mail and will contain the error
>> message.
>> There is no stdout to capture because of the --quiet parameter.
>> Simpler even than diddling with the MAILTO var.
> Uhh, unless I'm missing something obvious, that would send an email
> every 4 hours, usually with no message body, but containing one when
> there were errors.  Definitely NOT what is desired.
> Or perhaps your mail command works differently than mine?

I just cut/pasted his entry - not what I'd do. This also has the advantage
of being portable across OS types which is important to some (me).


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