Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Peter Boosten wrote:
>> clamdscan solved that issue, although I would have appreciated this
>> effect *before* I upgraded to a newer release.
> This keeps comming up, perhaps it needs to be addressed in the docs.
> Could you tell us why you used clamscan instead of clamd/clamdscan in the 
> first place ?  I'm just a user, but to me it was obvious. Unfortunatley I 
> can't even recall what documentation I used when I set this up a few years 
> ago.

I had some problems running clamd on one of the machines a long time
ago, and with mimedefang running clamscan is the second option (which
had worked until sometime ago). So I configured mimedefang for clamscan.

Now I'm running the daemon and changed to run clamdscan in
stead of clamscan.

Kind regards,

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