Quoting Henrik Krohns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:45:30PM -0500, Eric Rostetter wrote:
>> if you have sufficient system resources,  and are willing to
>> tolerate slow delivery times (up to 4 minutes on my system, with clamscan
>> on 0.90.3 for example).
> I'm just amazed by all the nitpicking in this thread.

Which you now continue?

> If you worked here and
> delayed the mail for 4 minutes just because clamscan "works fine", I would
> fire you. :D Nothing personal ofcourse.

Well, you see, we have these things call "Institutional Mandates" that
we have to comply with.  And if that means it can take up to 4 minutes
to receive mail in peak times (when the server is the slowest) than so
be it.  Because if I do otherwise, and don't comply with the
Institutional Mandates, then I _will_ be fired.

Now, again, your milage may vary...

> My useless 2 cents.

Appreciated, and even more appreciated that you are not my boss, as I
like my job and would like to keep it.

Do you really have mail that is so critical you can't sometimes wait
up to 4 minutes to receive it?  If so, well, good luck!

Besides, this is a temporary situation with a known fix in the future.
It isn't like the developers want to keep it running this slow.  They've
already promised the fix, and made it available as an RC release.

Come on guys, as I said, your milage may vary.  Don't assume what is
right for you is right for everyone.  I don't, so why should you?

BTW, I've gotten exactly one complaint from one user about the slowness
of delivery, and he called wondering why his mail he sent 2 minutes ago
hadn't been delivered yet.  Before I could explain or look into it (he
was on the phone) he said "oh, there it is, never mind" and hung up.

So in the absence of user complaints, I can't understand why you want
to fire me.  I mean: I can explain why it is slow, I can demonstrate why
it is slow, I can show there is a fix available and that a future release
can fix it, I can propose other ways to make it faster and detail the
problems with doing so, and we could decide together what path to follow.
Now what is incompetent or wrong with that?

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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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