On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 01:15:13PM +0100, Paul Whelan wrote:
> On 12 Aug 2008 at 7:57, Charles Gregory wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > > ..... A problem I've seen with greylisting is the round-robin MTA pool.
> > > Each is told in turn to come back later and if the pool is large it can
> > > take a long time to cycle through all of them.
> > 
> > I don't suppose anyone has a list of these available for a "whitelist" or
> > "avoid greylisting"? Preferably a list of IP's not domains?
> I use a list at http://www.greylisting.org/whitelisting.shtml with a few 
> additions

Well most of the problems are gone if you don't blindly greylist everyone.
Be selective.


The first one already handles most of the lists that are mentioned. I hate
when mail from my server gets greylisted for absolutely no sane reason.

Ofcourse add few generic FCrDNS domains like hotmail.com, yahoo.com,
amazon.com.. I see no point playing with IP addresses unless there is no

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